Recognizing and Assessing Jobs Ends

The z/OS Agent can use SMF records to recognize that a Job or a STEP has ended. The advantage of using this function is that Jobs can be assessed based on the return codes that the Job steps supply. By default, the Job Messenger is used to recognize that a Job has ended.

  •   Activate this function in the INI file of the Event Monitor:

  • Adjust the UC_EX_JOB_MD parameter in the [Variables] section in the INI file of the Agent. Replace the UCXJM25M component with UC4START and restart the Agent.


  • You can specify in the z/OS (OS/390) Job object whether the highest return code or the last one that occurs is considered for the Job end.
  • Make sure that the SMF module logs the entries 30 in your z/OS system.

Important! It is recommended that you end all active and generated Jobs in your AE system before you switch between the Job messenger types TCP/IP and SMF. If you do not end them, they will finish correctly but show the end status ENDED_VANISHED. This happens because the end message cannot be sent to the Agent.

See also: