Webservice Operations

The AE Internal Webservice was the previous method to communicate with an AE system and is supported only for partners that have legacy installations and integrations to maintain. For new installations and integrations, the REST API is the newer and preferred communication technology. For more information, see REST API

Operations are also described in the supplied file uc4.wsd.

This page includes the following:


Description Operation Parameters Return code



Client, user name, department, password, language

Allowed values for the language: 68 (German), 69 (English) and 70 (French)

Session ID
Logoff logoff Session ID -

AE System Information

Description Operation Parameters Return code
Retrieving the Automation Engine version including the hotfix number getVersion -

Automation Engine version

Example 8.00A909-001

Retrieving database information getDatabaseInfo -

Type DatabaseInformation

Use this type to query individual information such as the database name.

Client Information

Note: System client 0 supplies a list of all the AE system's users, agents etc. If you log on to a user-defined client, only this client's objects will be supplied. This list corresponds to the content of the Administration perspective.

Description Operation Parameters Return code
List of server processes getServerList -

List of type ServerListItem

Use this type to query individual information such as the server process name.

Server process workload list getSystemWorkload -

List of type WorkLoadItem

Use this type to query individual information such as the average.

List of clients getClientList -

List of type ClientListItem

Use this type to query individual information such as the TimeZone.

List of users getUserList -

List of type UserListItem

Use this type to query individual information such as the name.

List of agents getAgentList -

List of type AgentListItem

Use this type to query individual information such as the roles.

List of agent groups getAgentGroupList -

List of type AgentGroupListItem

Use this type to query individual information such as the mode.

Content of the Process Monitoring getActivityList


The parameter is of type TaskFilter.

List of type Task

Use this type to query individual tasks.

Top priority of active a Notification (CALL) getHighestNotificationPriority -

Top priority of all running notifications.

Possible values:

LOW - Low
MEDIUM - Normal
HIGH - High

Starting and Stopping Clients

Description Operation Parameters Return code
Starting a client resumeClient - -
Stopping a client suspendClient - -

Starting, Ending etc. Tasks

Description Operation Parameters Return code
Starting an object executeObject

Object name, TimeZone, Input parameter for READ masks, Start time, Waiting for manual release

For more information, see Filling :Read masks in Using the Webservice

The parameter Waiting for manual release is of type boolean.

RunID of the started task
Starting a recurring task executeRecurring

Object name, TimeZone, Frequency, Time frame, Days, Range

The parameter Frequency is of type ExecuteFrequency.

The parameter Time frameis of type ExecuteTimeFrame.

The parameter Days is of type ExecuteDays.

The parameter Range is of type ExecuteRange.

RunID of the started period container
Repeating a task restartTask

Reference RunID, Restart point, Keep start type, Waiting for manual release, Restart for canceled child tasks only

The 3rd, 4th and 5th parameters are of type boolean.

Stopping a task suspendTask

RunID, Recursive

The parameter "Recursive" is of type boolean.

Setting a stopped task to active resumeTask

RunID, Recursive

The parameter Recursive is of type boolean.

Ending a task quitTask RunID -
Canceling a task cancelTask

RunID, Recursive

The parameter Recursive is of type boolean.

Deactivating a task deactivateTask RunID -
Adopting a task adoptTask RunID -

Tasks During Execution

Description Operation Parameters Return code
Reloading a Schedule at the next period turnaround setReloadNextTurnaround Schedule name -
Ignoring Sync conditions ignoreTaskSyncCondition RunID -
Unregistering a reservation unregisterTask RunID -
Setting a task's start time setTaskStartTime

RunID, Start time, TimeZone

Setting a task's status setTaskState

RunID, Old status, New status

In both status parameters, indicate the System Return Codes of Executable Objects.

Starting a task immediately startTaskImmediately RunID -
Reading a task's Detail Window getTaskDetails RunID

List of type DetailGroup

Use this type to query individual information such as the status.

Workflow and Workflow Tasks

Description Operation Parameters Return code
Setting a breakpoint in a workflow setWorkflowBreakPoint RunID -
Removing a breakpoint from a workflow removeWorkflowBreakPoint RunID -
Unblocking a task in a workflow unblockWorkflowTask RunID -
Activating a task in a workflow setWorkflowTaskActive RunID -
Deactivating a task in a workflow setWorkflowTaskInactive RunID -

See also:

Using the Webservice