Installing the Analytics AWI Plug-in

This topic guides you through the installation of the Analytics AWI Plug-in. This installation covers the AWI Plug-in only. A working installation of AWI is required.

Important! Before you start with the installation steps, check the Analytics - System Requirements and the Installing Analytics Manually workflow.

To Install the Analytics AWI Plug-in

  1. Unzip the content of the deployment package ( to the corresponding folder of your AWI installation

    Package content

    webui-plugin-analytics.jar: Plug-in binaries

    Target folder: <Automic>/External.Resources/apache-tomcat/webapp/awi/WEB-INF/autoinstall

  2. Open the <Automic>/config/webui-plugin-analytics/plugin.propertiesconfiguration file and check and adapt the settings.


    • You can use the default settings if you deploy Analytics as a single box installation.

    • The configuration file and folders are automatically created when the plug-in is loaded for the first time.


    • backend.endpoint

      Value (example): http://my-analytics-backend-server:8090

      Use the server where the Analytics component is installed

    • backend.api_key

      Value (example): f4b7e4af-3d77-4cfc-a898-2c09a9318faa

      Use to communicate with the Analytics backend.

  3. Log out and log in again to AWI to load the plug-in and create the config files:


  4. Add the API key created when installing the datastore to the config files and adapt the backend URL if AWI is not running on the same host.

  5. Restart Tomcat.