What's New in 21.0.5

This section provides information about the new features and enhancements that have been implemented in Automic Automation 21.0.4.

This page includes the following:

Automic Automation

This release of Automic Automation introduces the features and functions listed below.

Telemetry - Product SKU / Metric Details

The Usage Data page of the Administration perspective now allows you to display a detailed list of the technology nodes, application nodes, mainframe nodes, and orchestrated systems.

Important! Once you have updated to this version and this feature is available in your system, the usage data starts being collected in detail. This means that you cannot use this function to view details of usage data preceding the upgrade to this version.


If you start using this function on November 1, you start gathering detailed data on the same day. This means that, since the Usage Data list displays the telemetry usage data for the last full month for the product you selected, the earliest you can see the detailed data is December 1, but only for the month of November.

For more information, see Usage Data.

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) Configuration

To align with SAML standards, the Automation Engine now accepts less strict SAML provider configuration. To ensure message integrity, it is recommended signing both, the SAML Response and the Assertion. However, at least the SAML Assertion must be signed. For more information, see Setting up Single Sign-On - SAML.

LDAP - Customized User Search

The new SEARCH_FILTER key of the UC_LDAP_EXAMPLE variable allows you to customize the user search in the Active Directory (AD).

Note: This key is ignored if the USE_DISTINGUISHED_NAME key is set to Y.

For more information, see UC_LDAP_EXAMPLE - LDAP Connection Variable.

Separation of Privileges for TLS/SSL UNIX Agents

The TLS/SSL UNIX Agents have a separation of privileges again as previously in v12.3. The affected parameters in the INI files of UNIX agents are listener UID and listener GID. For more information, see Agent Unix.

Restriction of UNIX Agent Capabilities

The capabilities of the UNIX Agent in the target system can be restricted in the [AUTHORIZATION] section of the INI file of the Agent using the following new parameters:

  • ft_source= the Agent can be the source of a FileTransfer

  • ft_target= the Agent can be the target of a FileTransfer

  • Execute= the Agent can execute jobs

  • CAU_enabled= the Agent can be updated using CAU

By default, the Agent is allowed to perform all these functions. For more information, see Installing the Agent for other UNIX Platforms .


The maximum value of the MAX_VARIABLE_SIZE parameter has been increased to 8388608 bytes to be able to handle script variables of a larger size.
Note: Setting MAX_VARIABLE_SIZE to a higher value than its default value of 1048576 bytes increases memory consumption, process time, and data transfer volume. For more information, see MAX_VARIABLE_SIZE.

SSO for SAP Agent

As of this version, you can enable single sign on for the SAP agent and overwrite the default setting (SSO=No) by activating the new Enable SSO checkbox. For more information, see R3 Connection Objects

Support of Oracle 21C

Now you can also use Automic Automation with Oracle 21C.

Support of PostgreSQL 13 and 14

Now you can also use the Automation Engine with PostgreSQL versions 13 and 14.

See also: