UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - Various Client Settings

This predefined client Variable (VARA) object stores client-specific settings. Settings that are specific to clients may control the behavior of the system when the AE starts. They may handle the access control of the authorization system, define maximum life-spans of user passwords, or log the system status. The same settings are shown in the Client object and can be edited there. For more information, see Clients (CLNT).

The VARA object UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS includes the following variables:


    Indicates the specific characters that you can use in the alias names of Workflow tasks.

    • Default value: -#
    • Restart required: No

    Indicates the Queue object that is used to execute CallAPI scripts.

    • Default value: CLIENT_QUEUE

    • Restart required: No


    Contains the parameters relevant for the Autoforecast function.

    • Allowed values: 1 - N

    • Default value: 1

    • Restart required: No

  • CALENDAR Parameters

    Contains the following parameters relevant for the Calendar.


      • Allowed values: 0-9999

      • Default value: 14

      • Restart required: No


      • Value: Number of days prior to a calendar's expiration date that triggers an advance warning

      • Default value:No warning given

      • Restart required: Server, see Starting and Stopping Server Processes


      • Value: notification that is activated in order to warn in advance that a calendar will expire

      • Default value:Object must be defined or no notification sent

      • Restart required: Server, see Starting and Stopping Server Processes

  • CLIENT Parameters

    Parameters relevant for Clients.


      Determines the priority of the Client

      • Allowed values: 200 - 255

      • Default value: 200

      • Restart required: No


      Stops and releases automatic processing within a client

      • Allowed values: GO / STOP

      • Default value: STOP

      • Restart required: No

  • DEACTIVATION Parameters

    Contains the following deactivation parameters:


      Deactivation time in minutes

      • Allowed values: Integers only [0,999999]

      • Default value: 0

      • Restart required: No


      Determines what should happen with the tasks that en with FAULT_OTHER status

      • Allowed values: Y (Yes) and N (No)

        • Y (Yes): The deactivation options are not considered. The task itself is deactivated.

        • N (No): The deactivation options are considered.

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


    Default number of hours in integer form to check for Process Monitoring filters in the Automic Web Interface.

    • Default values: 12 hours

    • Restart required: No


    Refresh interval for viewing tasks in the in the Tasks list and in the monitors (Process Monitoring perspective).

    • Default value: 3 seconds

    • Restart required: No

  • ERT Parameters

    Client-wide variable object that contains the following parameters relevant for the Estimated Runtime (ERT) calculation.


      • Allowed values: Y and N

        • Y: Activates adaptive ERT calculation

        • N: Deactivates adaptive ERT calculation

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No



      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values:

        • FIXED: Static predefined value

        • AVERAGE :Dynamically retrieved average value

        • LINEAR REGRESSION: Dynamic value, based on linear regression

        • MAXIMUM: Dynamic value, based on the longest actual runtime

      • Default value: LINEAR REGRESSION

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values:

        • BATCH: Deactivates ERT calculation

        • IMMEDIATE: Activates ERT calculation

      • Default value: IMMEDIATE

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Two-digit value between 1 and 25

      • Default value: 20

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Up to three-digit values

      • Default value: 0

      • Restart required: No

    • ERT_FRT

      • Allowed values: Up to three-digit values

      • Default value: 0

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Up to three-digit values

      • Default value: 0

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values:

        • FIXED: Static predefined value

        • AVERAGE: Dynamically determined average

        • LINEAR REGRESSION: Dynamic value based on linear regression

        • MAXIMUM: Dynamic value based on the longest actual runtime

        • ADAPTIVE: Intelligent ERT calculation that considers various factors and runtime parameters

      • Default value: LINEAR_REGRESSION

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Two-figure value between 1 and ERT_CHECK_COUNT

      • Default value: 0

      • Restart required: No


    Controls the creation of extended reports, see Extended and External Output Reports.

    • Allowed values:

      • SCRIPT: Log of the entire script

      • JCL: Log of all job attributes and the generated JCL

      • HOST_JCL: JCL is taken from the target Agent, which is platform-specific

      • OBJECT_ACCESS: Log of access to objects

      • SQL_VAR: Log for access to SQL variables including SQL statement and parameters

      Note: Use commas to separate values.

    • Default value: Null

      No options unless explicitly mentioned.

    • Restart required: No


    Defines the first day of the week.

    • Allowed values:

      • 1 - Sunday

      • 2 - Monday

      • 3 - Tuesday

      • 4 - Wednesday

      • 5 - Thursday

      • 6 - Friday

      • 7 - Saturday

    • Default value: 2

    • Restart required: No


    Specifies which is the first calendar week of a year.

    • Allowed values:

      • 1 - The week that includes January 1st

      • 4 - The first week that includes at least 4 days of the new year

      • 7 - The first week that includes 7 days of the new year

    • Default value: 4 - The first week that includes at least 4 days of the new year

    • Restart required: No


    Sets the maximum number of tasks that the Automic Web Interface should be displayed in the Process Monitoring perspective.

    • Allowed values: 0 - 20000

    • Default value: 5000

    • Restart required: No


    Determines whether authentication via Kerberos Distribution Center is optional or not.

    • Description: The authentication via Kerberos is forced for all users of a Client at once. The advantage of this method is that User objects do not have to be changed one by one.

      Note: If this parameter is set to N or is not set, KDC_LOGIN_FORCED has no effect.

    • Allowed values: Y and N


    Maximum number of results that are returned by the global search.

    • Allowed values: 1, 50 (Integers only)

    • Default value: 5 rows

    • Restart required: No

    For more information, see Global Search.

  • Validity Period of Calendar Events Parameters

    Client-wide variable object that specifies the number of years considered in dynamic Calendar calculations.


      • Allowed values: 1 - 5

      • Default value: 1

      • Restart required: No

    • NOW_PLUS

      • Allowed values: 1 - 10

      • Default value: 6

      • Restart required: No


    Activates or deactivates object logging and that store the results in the AE DB revision report utility, see AE DB Revision Report.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Y: Logging for the revision report is activated

      • N: Logging for the revision report is not activated

    • Default value: N

    • Restart required: No


    This key defines which Action Pack structure should be used to export an Action Pack with the Plugin Manager. For more information, see About the Plugin Manager.

    • Allowed values:

      • ALL: The Pack content is exported in both formats: XML, JSON.

      • JSON: The Pack content is exported in JSON format.

      • XML: The Pack content is exported in XML format.

    • Default: JSON

    • Restart required: No

  • PASSWORD Parameters

    Settings for User passwords.


      • Allowed values: Integer

      • Default value: Empty

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Integer

      • Default value: Unlimited

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      Default password for new Users that have been created and configured without a password

      • Default value: pass


      • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: 1 - 99

      • Default value: 0 (the new password is not compared to any older passwords)

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: 0 - 32

      • Default value: 32

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values: 0 - 32

      • Default value: 0

      • Restart required: No


    This variable contains the parameters to connect to a public GIT repository to retrieve an updated list of available Packs and versions.

    • Default value: https://github.com/Automic/Index.git

    • Restart required: No


    This variable is used to connect to the repository containing the release notes of the Packs.

    • Default value: https://downloads.automic.com/jart/prj3/depman/interfaces/marketplace/list_packages.jart?to-json=yes

    • Restart required: No


    This variable is used by the Plugin Manager together with the PM_PROXY_PORT variable to access the Internet. For more information, see About the Plugin Manager and PM_PROXY_PORT.

    • Default value: Empty value

    • Restart required: No


    This variable is used by the About the Plugin Manager together with the PM_PROXY_SERVER variable to access the Internet. For more information, see About the Plugin Manager and PM_PROXY_SERVER.

    • Default value: Empty value

    • Restart required: No

  • PROMPT Parameters

    Maximum waiting time for a task that includes PromptSets.


      • Default value: 0 (= unlimited)

      • Restart required: No


      • Default value: 0 (= unlimited)

      • Restart required: No


    Establishes the connection to the remote repository you want to use the Version Control functionality.


      SSH URL needed to establish the connection

      • Default value: Null

        No URL unless explicitly entered.

      • Restart required: No


      SSH directory you wish to use when connecting to a remote repository

      • Default value: Null

        No dir unless explicitly entered.

      • Restart required: No

  • SECURITY Parameters

    Client-wide variable object that contains security parameters relevant for the access trace function of the authorization system.


      • Allowed values:

        • HOST_ACCESS: All the denied attempts to access a host are logged.

        • LOGON: All the denied login attempts are logged.

        • OBJECT_ACCESS: The denied attempts to access an object are logged.

        • USER_PRIVILEGES: All denied user privileges are logged.

      • Default value: Null

        No options unless explicitly mentioned.

      • Restart required: No


      • Allowed values:

        • HOST_ACCESS: Authorized host accesses are logged

        • LOGON: Authorized logins are logged

        • OBJECT_ACCESS: Authorized object accesses are logged

        • USER_PRIVILEGES: Authorized user privilege uses are logged

      • Default value: Null

        No options unless explicitly mentioned.

      • Restart required: No


    Sets the Agent and the Login object that should be used in SEND_MAIL script functions.

    • Format: SEND_MAIL_DEFAULT = <agent object>,<login object>

      Note: The Login object used must have an entry with the type MAIL.

      If this key is not defined, the email is sent through the Automation Engine.

    • Restart required: No

    For more information, see SEND_MAIL.

  • SMTP Parameters

    Settings for the email connection to the Automation Engine.The definitions you make here apply if there is no other variable, such as UC_SMTP_MYSERVER, with SMTP configuration settings for the communication between different email servers. For details, see UC_SMTP_MYSERVER - SMTP Variable


      Email address of the sender

      • Default value: No entry unless explicitly entered.

      • Restart required: No


      (Optional) Name of the Login object that is used to log on to the SMTP server

      • Restart required: No


      (Optional) Maximum size in bytes of the report file that is sent by email. This applies only to reports that are sent by email, but not to other types of attachments.

      • Allowed values: 400 - 50000

      • Default value: 8000

      • Restart required: No


      (Optional) Port used to connect to the mail server.

      • Default value: 25; unless defined otherwise in UC_SMTP_MYSERVER.

      • Restart required: No


      (Optional) The protocol that you want to use to establish the communication.

      • Allowed values: PLAIN, STARTTLS, or TLS

        Important! If you use STARTTLS or TLS, you must enter the name of the certificate you want to use for authentication in the SMTPS_CERT key.

      • Default value: PLAIN

      • Restart required: No


      (Optional) Email address for the response

      • Restart required: No


      Name of the SMTP server

      • Default value: No entry unless explicitly entered.

      • Restart required: No


      (Optional) Maximum time in seconds that the system waits for an SMTP Server to respond.

      • Allowed values: 0 - 999

      • Default value: 20

      • Restart required: No


      (Optional) Name of the certificate stored in the UC_TRUSTEDCERTS Storage object in Client 0.

      Important! This parameter is required when you set the parameters STARTTLS or TLS in the SMTP_PROTOCOL key. The UC_TRUSTEDCERTS Storage object is delivered with Client 0 and allows you to upload the relevant certificate files. For more information, see Storage (STORE).

      • Restart required: No


    Influences the behavior of the system after the Automation Engine has started.

    • Allowed values:

      • STOP: The Client stops automatic processing after the Automation Engine has been started

      • WAIT x (seconds): The Client suspends automatic processing after the Automation Engine has been started and waits for the specified period of time

    • Default value: Automatic processing is immediately active when the Automation Engine has started.

    • Restart required: Server, see Starting and Stopping Server Processes


    Priority of the task processed by the Client. This priority is overruled by the value entered on the Attributes page by developers and object designers when defining an executable object.

    • Allowed values: 1 - 255, where

      • 1 = highest priority

      • 255 = lowest priority

      If no default priority is specified, or if the variable is not available in the Client, the priority of an object is 200.

    • Restart required: No

    For more information, see Attributes Page.


    In combination with the UC_OBJECT_TEMPLATE variable, this parameter determines which templates are provided as basis for the creation of objects.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Y: Users in this Client can see all object types but can only create objects for which they have write access. If a filter has been placed in the authorizations, it is compared with the name of the template when a new object is created.

      • N: Only the object types that can be created by the particular User are listed in the Add Object dialog.

    • Default value: Y

    • Restart required: No

    For more information, see User (USER) and User Groups (USRG).


    Specifies what should happen if the values of VARA objects cannot be resolved at runtime when they are used in the attributes of executable objects.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Y: An error occurs and processing aborts

      • N: Processing continues. The value is assigned as specified and no replacement takes place (default)

    • Default value: N

    • Restart required: No


    Controls the object Version Management functionality.


      Determines whether object Version Management is activated or not

      • Allowed values: Y and N

        • Y: Version Management is activated

        • N: Version Management is not activated

      • Default value: N

      • Restart required: No


      With Version Management activated, it determines the name of the duplicated (old) object

      • Allowed values: Up to 8 characters. Entries that include more characters are truncated.

      • Default value: OLD

      • Restart required: No


    Stores specific information about tasks that are in a waiting status caused by a queue (queue stop or queue limit) in the Automation Engine database.

    • Allowed value: QUEUE

      This option is deactivated if you specify a different value or no value at all.

    • Restart required: No


    Activates an additional parameter to accelerate the execution of certain Workflows based on their task completion rate.

    • Allowed values:

      • NO: No extra parameter is taken into account

      • ABSOLUTE: The task completion rate is taken into account

    • Default value: No

    • Restart required: No


    Activates the logging of Job and File Transfer data to facilitate external report analysis.

    • Allowed values: Y and N

      • Y: Report data of jobs and file transfers are logged

      • N: Report data of jobs and file transfers are not logged

    • Default value: N

    • Restart required: No

See also: