Creating REST Actions


To be able to create CLI Actions, the following components must be installed:

  • The PCK.ITPA_SHARED component must be installed

These components are available from

To Create REST Actions

  1. Open the Packs tab in the sidebar in the Process Assembly perspective.
  2. Click the Pack where you want to create the Action or create a new Pack.
  3. Click Add Action. The Add Action window is displayed.
  4. Select the REST Action type (REST).
  5. Enter a Title for the Action. The Name for the Action is suggested automatically.
  6. Enter a new Category for the Action or select an existing one from the drop-down list. 

    Categories are used to group and easily find the Actions and are displayed on the Actions tab. This is the entry that you see in the Actions pane in the Workflow editor (Process Assembly perspective) when you are creating Workflows.

  7. Click Next. The Add Action dialog is displayed.
  8. Select the Authentication type for the endpoint. None is selected by default.

    The following authentication methods are available: None, Basic, Digest, NTLM, OAuth 1.0a, OAuth 2.0, AWS Signed URL.

  9. Click Add.

See also: