Use the :ADD_ATT script statement on the Process page of a Notification object to add recipients to a notification at runtime. Specify the user, user group or email address to add to the list of recipients. Specify a Calendar object if you only want the recipient to receive the notification when a Calendar Event applies.

More Information:


:ADD_ATT RECIPIENT , Name [, Calendar, Calendar Event]


  • :ADD_ATT
    Adds a recipient to a Notification object

    Defines the attribute to modify in the Notification object
    Format: AE name, script literal or script variable
    Allowed value: RECIPIENT

  • Name
    Name of a user, user group or email address
    Format: script literal or script variable

    • Specify users in the format User name/Department, like the name of the User object.
    • If you have two email addresses specified in your User object, Email 1 is the email address to which the information is primarily sent. Email 2 can optionally be used as a cc address.
  • Calendar
    (Optional) Name of a Calendar object
    Format: script literal or script variable

  • Calendar Event
    (Optional) Calendar Event within this calendar.
    Format: script literal or script variable


  • :ADD_ATT overwrites existing recipients that are listed in the Notification object.
  • The modified recipient list applies only to the execution in which the script is called. The script statement does not modify the actual Notification object.
  • The activation report lists recipients that you add with the :ADD_ATT script statement.


The following example adds the user SUE/MARKETING to the list of recipients of a notification. This user only receives a notification if there is a valid calendar day in the READINESS calendar.


The following example notifies all members of the ADMIN user group.


See also: