PASSWORD Parameters
Client-wide variables that contain the settings for User passwords.
The password parameters cover the following variables:
Note: Any change in the values of PWD_CONTAINS_* or PWD_LENGTH_* is effective from the next password change of the user. The compliance of existing passwords is not verified.
Maximum life span of User passwords in days.
When 75% of the value's life span is over, upon log on users are informed that the password will expire soon.
If the password has already expired, it must be changed the next time a user logs on. If there is no entry for this key (default), the system does not check the expiration time.
Allowed values: Integer
Default value: Empty
Restart required: No
Number of invalid login attempts
Users who exceed the specified value will be locked. Authorized persons can unlock affected users in the corresponding User object. The time delay increases as of the third invalid attempt until the message Access denied is displayed.
Allowed values: Integer
Default value: Unlimited
Restart required: No
Forces the use of lowercase in passwords
Allowed values: Y and N
Default value: N
Restart required: No
Forces the use of numbers in passwords
Allowed values: Y and N
Default value: N
Restart required: No
Forces the use of special characters in passwords
Allowed values: Y and N
Default value: N
Restart required: No
Forces the use of uppercase in passwords
Allowed values: Y and N
Default value: N
Restart required: No
Default password for new Users that have been created and configured without a password
Use this setting to define a default password that complies with your password policy. The password that you specify here is the password that Users need for logging on to the Client for the first time. First-time users will then be requested to change the password.
Default value: pass
If you do not specify a default password here, or if the password you defined does not comply with your current password policy, the default password for new Users that have been configured without a password is pass.
Restart required: No
Forbids user names in passwords
Allowed values: Y and N
Default value: N
Restart required: No
Number of past passwords that cannot be used again
The new password must differ from these past passwords. The Automation Engine stores all passwords and compares the new password with the number of passwords defined here.
If no value is specified for the above settings, the system searches for a default value in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS variable. It uses the fixed default value if it does not include these PWD keys.
Allowed values: 1 - 99
Default value: 0 (the new password is not compared to any older passwords)
Restart required: No
Maximum length of user passwords
Allowed values: 0 - 32
Default value: 32
Restart required: No
Minimum length of user passwords
Allowed values: 0 - 32
Default value: 0
Restart required: No
Note: The password criteria apply to AE users, they do not apply when you log on using the LDAP connection. For example, LDAP users cannot access the AE system with passwords that are longer than 32 characters.
See also: