User Guide > Objects > Alphabetical Listing > GCOS8


The document shown below explains the platform-specific settings for a GCOS8 job.




Job report



The job report is managed by AE. When the job has been processed, the Automation Engine takes the process protocol which has been stored on the agent computer and stores it to the AE databaseA database is an organized collection of data including relevant data structures..


The job report is managed by AE. After job execution, the process protocol is available as a file in the target system.

On error only

In case of job interruption, the job report is saved in the AE database and/or a file in the target system. This function is only available when "Database" and/or "File" have been selected.

Start parameter



Specification of the priority with which the job should be executed. A value between "0" and "63" can be entered.


Sequence number of the job

If no particular number has been specified, it is created automatically.

The agent's INI file contains the parameter SNUMB_SUFFIX which the administrator can use to define the appended character.


Name for the $ IDENT statement.

Include job

Path and name of a file containing a job. This job is executed just before the Trailer is processed and must therefore not contain a $ ENDJOB statement!