A workflow combines individual tasks so that they can be executed in a single process.
These individual tasks are linked to each other through defined conditions
and dependencies.
Object class: Executable object
Object type
(short name): JOBP
You can create and maintain workflows either in the Workflow tab or the Logic tab. Tasks are symbolized by boxes that can be distinguished by their object names or aliases.
A workflow's type is defined when it is created. There are three different workflow types that are all structured differently:
- Standard: Tasks can be added, ordered and linked as needed. You can define standard-type workflows in the Workflow tab.
- IF: These workflows represent an IF statement: IF workflows contain two different branches to which you can assign tasks. Depending on the specified condition(s), one of the two branches will be processed. You can define this workflow type in the Logic tab.
- ForEach: These workflows represent a loop: For-Each workflows repeat one or several tasks several times depending on the defined loop condition. You can define this workflow type in the Logic tab.
Possible tasks within a workflow:
- Event
- Defines conditions and the reaction to an occurred condition.
- FileTransfer
- Transfers files from one computer to another.
- Group
- Is used to execute sporadic tasks.
- Job
- Runs a job on a computer.
- Notification - Serves to inform one or several users (operators).
- Script - Contains processing
commands that are not executed on a target system but exclusively in AE.
- Workflow
- Provides for the nesting of workflows.