Administration Guide > Installation > New Installation > Installing the ServiceManager (Windows)

Installing the ServiceManager (Windows)

This document describes the hotfix installation procedure for the ServiceManager (Windows).

Automic strongly recommends installing the ServiceManager and its dialog program in separate directories (for example, C:\AUTOMIC\SERVICEMANAGER\BIN and C:\AUTOMIC\SERVICEMANAGERDIALOG\BIN).

Supplied Files

The ServiceManager files are stored in two different directories of the supplied AE CD. The files that provide the ServiceManager service can be found in the directory IMAGE:SERVICEMANAGER\WINDOWS.

The directory IMAGE:SERVICEMANAGERDIALOG\WINDOWS contains the files for the dialog and command line programs of the ServiceManager.

Additional files that are included in these sub-directories belong to the installation program and the AE runtime system.
Knowledge Base.


Server computer or host computer


Installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package

This installation step can be omitted if the required version of the package is already installed. Refer to the Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs to see if the package is installed , and if so, which version.

2. Installing the ServiceManager
3. Installing the Dialog and Command Line Programs of the ServiceManager
4. Installing the ServiceManager as a service

UCYBSMGR[.EXE] -install Phrase [-iPath and name of the INI file]

The ServiceManager can be installed as a service multiple times.  This means that different ServiceManager environments can be created; one that serves as a test system and one that serves as a production system, for example. If several of these services are used, they are distinguished by the ServiceManager environment name (default name: UC4).

Note that the ServiceManager service must be started under a Windows user with administrator rights. The reason is that the ServiceManager can be used to start components that can start processes for various different users.

5. Starting services using  the ServiceManager

Make sure that the ODBC data source is set up as a system DSN (Data Source Name) so that the Automation Engines (program UCSRVCP.EXE and UCSRVWP.EXE) are executable as a service.


Potential Problems

Further information can be obtained from the ServiceManager's log file (default name of the latest file: SMgr_LOGG_00.txt), which is found in the TEMP folder and which contains detailed information on all procedures.


Uninstalling the ServiceManager

In some cases it is necessary to uninstall a specific ServiceManager environment (Phrase).

See also: