Automation Engine Script Guide > Ordered by Function > System Conditions and Settings > SYS_SERVER_ALIVE


Script Function: Checks if a certain server process is active


SYS_SERVER_ALIVE(Server process)



Server process

Name of the server process whose activity should be checked
Format: script literal or script variable

Return codes

"Y" - The server process is active
"N" - The server process is inactive
"20349" -  The server process does not exist


If the indicated server process cannot be found, reaction is possible with :ON_ERROR. Use the script functions for error handling and messages to analyze this error. Script processing can either be continued or canceled.

The script statement causes all open transactions of the script to be written to the AE databaseA database is an organized collection of data including relevant data structures..


In the example, a check is made to determine if the work process "AE#WP005" is active. If it is not active, a message is sent to the administrator.

SEND_MSG "ADMIN","AE","Work process AE#WP005 is not active!"


See also:

Script Elements - System Conditions and Settings

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Ordered by Function