User Guide > Getting Started Guide > Automation via Schedules

Automation Via Schedules

- Creating a Schedule
- Scheduling a file transfer
- Using the Schedule Monitor

Lesson 7

So far, we have manually started our objects. As this is non-productive when a large number of objects are involved, we are now going to explain the functioning of the object type Schedule in close detail. Schedules start objects in a predetermined interval - every two days at 10.00 o'clock, for example.

One of our FileTransfer objects should be executed every day at a particular time. First, we create a Schedule object:

  1. Open the particular folder in the Explorer in which you stored all other sample objects.
  2. Click the  button in the toolbar.
  3. Select the object type JSCH (Schedule).
  4. Assign an appropriate name.
  5. Double-click on the Schedule object to open it.

In each Schedule, an interval must be indicated in which the assigned objects should start. This interval is also referred to as "period".

  1. Change to the Attributes tab

  2. Specify "1 Day(s)" in the period section as the file transfer should be executed once a day.
  3. Open the Schedule tab.

    Now we add a FileTransfer object to the Schedule object. Two different methods can be applied:

    Method 1: Use the Drag & Drop function and move the FileTransfer object from the Explorer to the Schedule tab.

    Method 2: Call the command Add Task... using the right mouse button. Enter the name of the FileTransfer object manually or click on the three dots which opens a new Explorer window from where the object can be selected.
  4. The properties window opens automatically as soon as the FileTransfer object has been added to the Schedule.

  5. Enter the time 18.00 hours (24-hour system) in the Start time tab and then click OK.
  6. Store your modifications with the  button which is found in the toolbar.

The Schedule tab displays this file transfer that has been planned for 6.00 p.m. (18:00 hours). You can also plan several objects in one Schedule object. Each of these objects then has its own start time. The execution interval, however, remains the same for all objects.

An object can be referred to as "Child" when it is activated by a superordinate task - a "Parent". In our example, the FileTransfer object is the "Child" and the Schedule object is the "Parent". Other examples for superordinate tasks are workflows and groups which will be explained in later lessons.

The Schedule object is not yet active. Only active Schedules execute their objects:

  1. Highlight the Schedule object in the Explorer.
  2. Start the execution with the  button in the toolbar.
     The Schedule object is now displayed in the Activity Window and remains active until it is ended by you.

The current status of tasks within the Schedule can be queried through a monitor:

  1. Highlight the Schedule object in the Activity Window.
  2. Click the  button in the toolbar.
  3. The Schedule Monitor opens. It is structured similarly to the Schedule tab. Additionally, it shows the task status (such as ENDED_OK) and the next time of execution.
  4. Close the monitor.
  5. End the Schedule object by highlighting it and right-click the corresponding popup-menu command in the Activity Window.



The properties window of a planned task in the Schedule object can subsequently be opened with the command Properties using the context menu (right mouse button) in the Schedule tab. Enter your current time plus 2 minutes. Re-start the schedule and watch its execution in the Schedule Monitor. Then end the Schedule.