This glossary lists all specific technical terms in alphabetical order.
Refers to a computer on which a ARA/Deployment Manager/Automation Engine user works.
Admin computer refers to the computer that is used by an administrator for e.g. Automation Engine or administration purposes.
A set of constituent components that make up a system. This includes information on how the components are connected including the settings applied.
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- database
A database is an organized collection of data including relevant data structures.
Department name to which the Automation Engine user belongs.
A graphical user interface (GUI) is a human to machine interface based on windows, icons and menus which can be operated by a computer mouse in addition to a keyboard. In contrast to command line interface (CLI).
Stands for Information Lifecycle Management, which refers to a wide-ranging set of strategies for administering storage systems on computing devices.
- Java work process
The , implemented in Java, is used to host special services, which have been developed in Java.
A package module is a group of related package types, e.g. Feature, Change Request, or Bug. It defines how the packages are displayed in the GUI and the features enabled for each package type.
A secret combination of characters for a Automation Engine user.
Deprecated Term. Replaced by: UserInterface
The scope of a workflow to roll back. For a rollback on a job the scope is this single task while for a rollback on a workflow the scope is this workflow and all sub-workflows in arbitrary depth.
The Service Manager serves to start, stop and access components such as the Automation Engine processes or agents from a central point.
A token is used for authentication within a session between a client and a server. A (soft) token is a unique identifier which is generated and sent from a central server to a client software. The client uses the token to authenticate each request.
Name of the Automation Engine user.
vSphere is a virtualization platform for building cloud infrastructures by VMware.
A web application is an application that is accessible over a network (Internet or intranet) and is typically coded in a programming language like Java or JavaScript, combined with a markup language like HTML. Web applications are provided on web servers and web browsers are used as GUI on client computers.