Process Analytics > Administration Guide > Configuration > Process Analytics Studio

Process Analytics Studio Configuration

The configurationA set of constituent components that make up a system. This includes information on how the components are connected including the settings applied. files are stored in the "conf" folder of the Process Analytics Studio program directory. They must be adjusted before Process Analytics Studio starts.

This file includes all parameters of the configuration file (Process Analytics Admin) that start with "cv_". Therefore, they should have the same values. The following two parameters are additionally available:

Parameter Description

Process Analytics hides scheduled tasks such as jobs or workflows according to the following rules:

Process Analytics Studio does not display tasks whose scheduled start time lies before the last loading process minus a particular limit. The limit can be specified in this parameter. Specify this value in seconds (for example, value 180 refers to a limit of 3 minutes).


Maximum number of tasks that should be displayed by Process Analytics Studio.

If the maximum is exceeded, a corresponding message is output and no information is displayed. You can either define a filter in order to limit the results or increase the limit. Select this value depending on the available system resources.


Process Analytics does not have a separate user administration. The login data for Process Analytics Studio is retrieved from any AE system. To use Process Analytics Studio, you need an active AE system. The connection to the AE system's AutomationEngine is specified in this configuration file.

The configuration file complies with the structure of the uc4config.xml file in the AE UserInterface but it only includes the "connections" XML element.

Process Analytics Studio loads the information of the AE client from the Process Analytics databaseA database is an organized collection of data including relevant data structures. that has been used to log on. Process Analytics Studio does not display information if no data is available for this client.

Parameter Description
<connection name="Name" system="System">

Definition of the connection to the AE system that includes the login data for Process Analytics.

"Name" = Alias for the connection to the AE system. In the login window, you can select the connection by using this name.
"System" = Name of the AE system whose user list should be used for Process Analytics.

<cp ip="DNS/IP" port="Port"/>

Connection definition to the AE system's communication process.

"DNS/IP" = Specify the name or the IP address of the computer on which the communication process runs.
"Port" = Port number of the communication process in the AE system.

Windows Environment Variables

Process Analytics Studio is a Java application. You can define the following two Windows environment variables in order to specify Java-specific information for the program start: