Knowledge Base > Automation Engine and Target Systems > MPE > Agent - Combining the AE and MPE

Agent - Interaction between Automation Engine and MPE

The MPE agent works together with the AE system via a TCP/IP interface.

The MPE agent provides the following functions:

Job Processing

In AE jobs are defined and maintained in the form of objects that include various tabs. The JCL is stored in the Process tab. Its logic can be very complex if you make use of AE's script elements. You can use # as the prompt character in the JCL because the characters ! and : introduce comment lines and script statements in AE script. You can also start JCL lines by using the script statement :DATA. In doing so, you can keep ! and : as prompt characters. 
User Guide - Job and Job - Execution

In AE, you can start jobs either manually or via control mechanisms such as workflows or schedules. The Automation Engine then generates an executable job and sends it to the MPE agent via a file transfer.
Inside AE Guide - Executing Objects

The MPE agent reads the job and passes it to the MPE job queue.

The job notifies the agent about the beginning and end of an execution. The agent then passes this information on to the Automation Engine.

The agent monitors the job's status in regular intervals. This ensures that an abnormal end can be determined if a job vanishes  (fatal error or ABORTJOB). The job's return code is available in AE.

The job report ($STDLIST) is stored in the file that is specified by the Automation Engine. If specified in the job, the agent transfers the report to the Automation Engine which stores it in the AE databaseA database is an organized collection of data including relevant data structures.. The agent copies the job output from the Spooler. Therefore, you must use an OUTCLASS of priority 1.

Executing File Transfers

In AE, file transfers are defined and maintained in the form of objects that include various tabs. They are executed with the character conversions that are defined in these tabs (such as UC_CODE).
User Guide - FileTransfer

Event Handling

In AE, events are defined and maintained in the form of objects that include various tabs.
Only events of type File System are currently supported.
See: User Guide - Event