Knowledge Base > Automation Engine and Target Systems > GCOS 8 > Agent - FileTransfer Support

GCOS8 Agent - File Transfer Support

The GCOS agent provides file transfer support for files with a particular format and specific attributes.

GFRC File Format


Input mode:

GFRC=media code[,RSZ=record length]

Output mode:

GFRC=media code[,RSZ=record length][,VLREC_NO/VLREC_SEG]

File attribute
(UFAS attributes)


GFRC=media code

Enforces file organization in sequential GFRC format

Allowed values for the media code:

  • "00" - no media conversion record or no printer slew controls
  • "01" - binary card image
  • "02" - BCD card image
  • "06" - GFRC format ASCII (format used by the Time Sharing System)
  • "10" - Time Sharing System information record

RSZ=record length

Maximum number of characters for read or written records.

Target platform GCOS8: default value for non-partitioned records is 80, for partitioned ones it is 84.
Default values for all other platforms:

  • Media-Code 0:   16384
  • Media-Code 2:   1272
  • Media-Code 6:   16384
  • Media-Code 10: 1272


Enforces the use of records of a fixed length


Variable record length that can be partitioned via one or several physical blocks



UFF Sequential File Format


Input mode:

UFF_SEQ[,RSZ=record length]

Output mode:

UFF_SEQ[,RSZ=record length][,VLREC_NO/VLREC_SEG][,CISZ=size]

File attribute
(UFAS Attributes)



Enforces file organization in sequential UFF format

RSZ=record length

Maximum number of characters for read or written records. This value affects the size of the Control Intervals (CI) which is selected for output files. A CI size of 1K is used if the maximum record size is 2000 or less. Record sizes above 2000 cause the creation of CIs with a record length of 4K. The default value is 80.


Enforces the use of records of a fixed length


Variable record length that can be partitioned via one or several physical blocks


Sets the size of the Control Intervals (in Bytes)



UFF Relative File Format


Input mode:

UFF_REL[,RSZ=record length]

Output mode:

UFF_REL[,RSZ=record length][,CISZ=size]

File attribute
(UFAS Attributes)



Enforces file organization in relative UFF format

RSZ=record length

Maximum number of characters for read or written records. The default value is 80.


Sets the size of the Control Intervals (in Bytes)



UFF Indicated File Format

Separate the two names for the file and the index file with a semi-colon.


Input mode:

UFF_IND[,KEY=(duplicates,offset,length)][,KNR=key number][,RSZ=record length]

Output mode:

UFF_IND,KEY=(duplicates,offset,length)[,RSZ=record length][,CISZ=size]

File attribute
(UFAS attributes)



Enforces file organization in indicated UFF format

RSZ=record length

Maximum number of characters for read or unwritten records. The default value is 80.


Defines a key for the inidicated files:

  • Duplicates - show whether duplicate keys are allowed for the key definition.

    Allowed values:
    "0" - the key does not contain duplicates
    "1" - the key can contain duplicates
  • Offset - offset in records (Bytes)
  • Length - key length (Bytes)

It is possible to define more than one key. The first entry is the primary key. Set the parameter "duplicate" to 0 in order to avoid the use of double keys. The entries ranging from the second to the nth one stand for the n-1 varying keys. Using this attribute is obligatory.

KNR=key number

Defines the key that is used as reference key when searching the record to be read. This entry corresponds to the key definition's array element (basis 1) in the KEY_DESC structure which is used to open the file. The default value is 1 - i.e. the primary key.


Sets the sizes of the Control intervals (in Bytes).




See also:

FileTransfer tab