Knowledge Base > Automation Engine and Target Systems > UNIX > Enlarging Core Files

Enlarging Core Files

It is important to have a complete Core file in order to be able to analyze problems if errors occur. By default, AIX only generates minimum Core files. Therefore, specify the value "true" for the system environment variable "fullcore" .

Start off by querying the variable. "sys0" stands for the device name.

lsattr -El sys0 | grep fullcore

The default result is:

fullcore   false       Enable full CORE dump   True

There are several ways that can be used to set the variable fullcore to the value "True". The easiest one is to call the tool "smit" with the root user using the parameter "chgsys".

smit chgsys

Use this tool to set the variable "Enable full CORE dump" to the value "true". By doing so, the variable "fullcore" is activated on a system-wide basis.

Two other parameters can also be used to specify the maximum file size (which includes the Core file's size). Query the specified values with the command "ulimit":

ulimit -a

Possible output is shown below:

file(blocks)         2097151 <-- !
coredump(blocks)     2097151 <-- !

The command "ulimit" can be used to change values. The option "-f" indicates the maximum file size in blocks of 512 bytes.


ulimit -f 4096   # 4096 * 512 Bytes

ulimit -f unlimited

The option "-c" defines the maximum size of Core files in blocks of 512 bytes or unlimited.


ulimit -c 4096   # 4096 * 512 Bytes

ulimit -c unlimited