Knowledge Base > Automation Engine and Target Systems > UNIX > Resource restrictions via ulimit

Resource Limitation by Using Ulimit

You can use the UNIX command "ulimit" in order to limit OS resources per OS user. In doing so, you ensure that users do not create too many resources which could negatively affect the performance of your system.

Automic recommends that you do not define any limit for the user under which components start. It can occur that a component that is affected by such a limit cannot work as required (for example, the agent cannot open the report) or it rare cases, it can even happen that the program crashes.
Automic recommends removing or not using limits or when necessary, defining very high values for them.

These recommendations for limits affect all components that run under UNIX, which includes the UNIX agent, the utilities, the UserInterface, and also the Java and ERP agents.

You can use the resource concept of the Automation Engine in order to save OS resources.