Executing and Restarting

This topic describes the options that you have to execute or restart a task. The status of the task determines which options are available.


Starts processing a task immediately. This option is available for tasks with start type ONCE that have a Waiting status.

Child tasks are not affected.

Go Immediately

Starts processing a task immediately. Tasks that have a Waiting status start as well.

Child tasks are not affected.

Go Recursive

Starts processing a task immediately. Tasks that have a Waiting status also start.

It also starts child tasks.

Exception: In the case of tasks that run within Schedules, if you have suspended the execution of the Schedule, the Go Recursive function will only impact tasks that have started AFTER the last reload (tasks in Schedules are reloaded after the defined Period Turnaround Time has elapsed). For tasks that have started before the last Schedule reload, you must start them manually. To do so, open the Tasks list in Process Monitoring in the hierarchical view, expand the Schedule node and start the required child tasks.

For more information, see:

Release Manually

Before being actually executed, tasks go through the following phases: Activation, Generation and Transfer.

If so configured, it may be necessary to modify the generated JCL of jobs before executing them. In these cases, tasks are activated, their scripts are generated and, if applicable, transfers are carried out. The tasks, however, are not executed and their status is Waiting for manual release.

You select this option to execute them.

For more information, see Stages of Job Processing.


Tasks that have already been executed can be restarted and you can define the required executing options.

This function allows you to execute the task again using different parameters to the original ones; this is useful particularly in case of tasks included in a Workflow because it allows you to restart the task and modify its settings without having to execute the entire Workflow again.

To Restart a Task with Different Parameters

  1. In the Process Monitoring perspective search for the task you want to restart.

    If the task is included in a Workflow, open the Workflow Monitor and make it editable.

  2. Right-click the task and select Restart from the popup menu.
  3. The Restart <task name> dialog is displayed.
  4. Expand the Test Options section and activate the following checkboxes:

    • Activate attributes dialog

      As a result, the Requests dialog will be displayed before actually restarting the task, allowing you to modify its attributes.

    • Display in activation report: Modifications of attributes

      For audit purposes, your modifications will be available on the activation report.

  5. Click Restart.
  6. The Input Required pop up is displayed at the top of your screen. Click the Open link to open the Requests dialog.
  7. Modify the attributes as required and click Submit.

For more information, see:

Remote Restart

Available for tasks that are started by external systems.

The RemoteTaskManager monitors and controls operations started outside the Automation Engine in systems such as SAP or PeopleSoft. These tasks are displayed in the Tasks lists as children of the Remote Task Manager with the JOBD (for dynamic job) abbreviation.

Ended or canceled remote tasks can be restarted using this option.

See also:

Executing Objects