Use the ADD_TIME script function to add two times. The script function returns the result of the addition, in the time format that you specify. The calculation takes the change from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00 into account.


ADD_TIME ([Time Format;]Time1, [Time Format;]Time2 [,Output Format])


    Adds two times

  • Time Format
    (Optional) Specify a format followed by a semicolon separator (;)
    More Information: Date, Time and Period Formats in Scripts

  • Time1, Time2
    Times to add, in HHMMSS format
    Format: script literal or script variable

  • Output Format
    (Optional) time format for the time that the script function returns
    Format: AE name, script literal or script variable
    Default: HHMMSS


The following example adds two times without specifying a time format. The script prints the result (130000) in the activation report.

:SET &TIME# = ADD_TIME("120000","010000")

The following example specifies time formats for one of the times and for the output. The script prints the result (04:59) in the activation report.

:SET &TIME# = ADD_TIME("235959", "HH;05", "HH:MM")

The following example adds 71 seconds to 23:59:59. The script specifies the time formats for both times given, but not for the output. The script prints the result (000110) in the default format.

:SET &TIME# = ADD_TIME("HH:MM:SS;23:59:59", "SS;71")

The following example also adds 71 seconds to 23:59:59. The script specifies a format that only includes the seconds for the output. The script prints the result (70) in the activation report.

:SET &TIME# = ADD_TIME("HHMMSS;235959", "SS;71", SS)

See also: