Script Elements for User Interaction and User Data

These script elements let you provide information to users, collect input from users or retrieve data about users.

User Data

The following script elements retrieve user data.

User Dialogs

The following script elements let you define dialogs to query users.


    Defines the beginning and end of a dialog box for user queries

  • :PRINT

    Writes text to a dialog for user queries or to the activation report

  • :READ

    Queries the user in a dialog

Send Emails and Messages

The following script elements let you send messages to users.


    Sends a message to a user who is logged in to the Automic Automation system


    Sends an email to a user


The following script elements modify object attributes that concern notifications.

  • :ADD_ATT

    Adds recipients to a notification at runtime


    Extends the notification message text at runtime


    Removes recipients of a notification at runtime

    Returns part of the message text in a notification