Changes in Run Controls

Most processes require parameters (example: a period) for execution. This information can be stored in Run Controls (RUN_CONTROL_RECORDS). Processes retrieve their execution parameters from the corresponding Run Control.

Usually, a Run Control is a single database record in the PeopleSoft database. It can also comprise several data records. Unique Run-Control identification is guaranteed with the two keywords OPRID (User ID) and RUN_CNTRL_ID.


AE provides the function PS_MODIFY_RUNCONTROL which can be used to modify Run Controls. Modification in this case refers to an individual data record. If several data records of Run Controls need to be maintained, make an individual PS_MODIFY_RUNCONTROL call for each modification. The AE procedure differs from online maintenance in PeopleSoft.

Example 1

A user wants to process the SQR report Employee Turnover Analysis and therefore creates the Run Control myRunControl. After adding the Run Control, the parameter fields required for the report are entered and stored. The relevant fields are FROM_DATE and THRU_DATE.

AE can automate this modification by retrieving the user ID from the PeopleSoft job's Login object.


Example 2

The following example shows a Run Control for currency conversion. In this case, fields and values are provided in list form (currency list).

In order to change currency values, a key must also be assigned when calling PS_MODIFY_RUNCONTROL


The data of the currency list is provided in level 1. Thus, indicate the number 1 in the parameters KEYNAME(1)= and KEYVALUE(1)=.

Risks and Limitations

Important! Keep the following recommendations in mind when changing Run Controls:

  • Assigned values are only occasionally checked. Thus, wrong values can exist in the PeopleSoft database and cause one or several components to no longer work online. This error can only be removed with SQL commands.
  • Although no inconsistency will arise in the data model, values can exist in the database which cannot be recorded online. PeopleCode prohibits the collection of a running date from the previous year, for example. Use the function PS_MODIFY_RUNCONTROL to enter this kind of data.
  • PS_MODIFY_RUNCONTROL does not create new Run Controls because the relevant database table fields are also filled by PeopleCode and can depend on each other. Neither AE nor the PeopleCode interfaces for AE recognize this dependency.
  • In fact, dependencies between the fields of a Run Control are not considered and can lead to malfunctions in the PeopleSoft application.
  • Run Controls can write more than one data record. For example, the component RUN_CNTL_CC_EO (Currency Conversion) writes to the tables PS_RUN_CNTL_CC1_EO and PS_RUN_CNTL_CC2_EO. It is the user's personal responsibility to fill the data records with the correct names.

See also: