Use the GET_LOGIN script function to retrieve login information or the password of a particular entry made in a Login object. For more information, see Login (LOGIN).


  • You can only retrieve the login entries of self-defined systems or applications, notoperating systems. Ensure that the Type parameter you define is also available in the UC_LOGIN_TYPES variable. For more information, see UC_LOGIN_TYPES - Defining Additional Platform and System Types for Login Objects
  • Do not use percent (%) or caret (^) characters in passwords.
  • GET_LOGIN retrieves the password in encrypted form. You can use the password with the Agent Job Messenger (CMD start parameter), where it is decrypted. For more information, see Agent Job Messenger.


GET_LOGIN (Login object, Name, Type, Information)


    Retrieves login information
  • Login object
    Name of the Login object
    Format: script variable, AE name, or script literal
  • Name
    Agent name entry that is used in the Login object. You can use an asterisk symbol (*) put in single or double quotation marks instead of the name.
    Format: script variable, AE name, or script literal
  • Type
    Type entry that defines the agent type
    Format: script variable, AE name, or script literal
  • Information
    Information that should be retrieved
    Format: AE name
    Allowed values:
      Retrieves the login information such as user and domain
      Retrieves the password

Return codes
This script function returns the relevant information:

  • 20476
    The specified object does not exist or is not of login type
  • 20482
    The specified name could not be found in the Login object.
  • 20493
    Invalid specification of the information that should be read.


The following example retrieves the login information and the password of the backend system entry SVN from the Login object. It then runs a command through the Job Messenger that defines the login data.


&UC_JOBMD CMD="&SVN_CMD# checkout ""&SVN_URI#"" ""&SVN_DIR#"" --username &LI# --password &PW#"

See also:
