The Event Engine

The Event Engine feature connects the outside world with Automic system. Events can trigger actions using rules and past values. Also, it is possible to poll external resources and implement customer-specific sensors and rules on site.

Benefits of the Event Engine

  • Lets Automation Engine to respond to more sophisticated event triggers
  • Reduces overhead of manually scripting and system overhead of processing IF-THEN-LOGIC
  • Allows you to process rules against any CA Automic object. Not limited to tasks and workflows
  • Exposes as much event processing as required vs full complex event processing
  • Supports up to 50,000 events per second
  • Enables use of intelligent automation

Potential Event Engine Use Cases

Customize Events

  • Tailor events specific to your organizations requirements. The custom event template can be download from our marketplace at . As a developer it allows you to take control of the Event Engine power to create and run your own rules according to your business requirements. We provide you with the template to customize events according to your business use cases. See, How to create a custom rule

Social Media Automation

  • Proactively engage service provider customers in real time, by automatically detecting and responding to their behavior.
  • Trigger personalized social media and mobile campaigns in real time, drive traffic, and guide customers within their POS.

Disaster Recovery

  • Capture event flow from multiple services and devices to correlate source of failure and start automated recovery.
  • Trigger disaster recovery workflows when a service starts to fail.

Predictive Workload Management

  • Raises events on estimated runtime violations, milestone violations, or service level violations.
  • Correlate events to make decision on triggering automated workarounds or remediation actions.