
Reorganize and archiving data (statistics, reports, messages etc.) at regular intervals guarantees the optimum performance of your Automation Engine system. You can use Utilities or ILM to do so.


  • Utilities support all databases; ILM only MS SQL and Oracle (Enterprise Editions with Partitioning Feature).
  • ILM partitioning neither reorganizes object versions nor deletes objects. You must run the Automation Engine utilities for these purposes.

If you are not sure which method to use, you can compare the benefits of both methods.

Criteria Utilities ILM
Administrative effort Low Higher


Ideal for smaller AE databases

Ideal for high volume AE databases

Performance With large amounts of records, the maintenance run can burden the AE system ILM achieves short maintenance runs that are almost independent from the amount of data
Maintenance time and relevant settings Individual configuration per Client is possible Same configuration for all Clients in the system
Archiving Using the AEDB Archive utility Using the AEDB Archive utility or partition backups
Viewing archived data records Using the Archive Browser

Using the Archive Browser or the AEDB Reporting Tool utility

Note: It is also possible to transfer partitions to a separate database and use utilities.

Keeping the last n data records per object Possible Not possible
Reports Reports can be deleted before statistical records are deleted Reports are reorganized together with the corresponding execution data records because they are both in the same partition

More information:

Read the following topics to learn more about Utilities and ILM and how to maintain data records: