Selecting Tasks in the Workflow

The Workflow editor provides graphic tools that help you design your Workflows. The floating toolbar in the editor is one of them. It contains several buttons. The second button activates the Selection mode. Click it to select one or more tasks.

Shortcut: If you are in a different mode, press 2 on your keyboard to switch to the Selection mode.

The selection mode lets you do the following:

Selecting One Task

  • To select only one task, click it.
  • To select more than one task not as a group but individually, press Ctrl and click each task.

Selecting Groups of Tasks

You have several options to select multiple tasks at a time:

  • Click & drag

    To select only one group of tasks, click the left mouse button and drag simultaneously to highlight an area in the Workflow. Release the mouse button; the tasks within that area are selected.

  • Ctrl + click & drag

    To select different groups of tasks in the Workflow, press Ctrl while you click and drag over each group.


  • If you right-click after selecting multiple tasks, the context menu contains only the options that are available and common to all selected tasks.
  • To know how many tasks you have selected, click the Properties button after bulk-selecting. The pane at the bottom half of the editor indicates it.

Selecting and Panning Simultaneously

In Workflows that spread over the visible part of the canvas, you may want to select individual tasks or groups of tasks that are not visible. If you have already selected tasks, you do not want to lose that selection while looking for the tasks you want to include in it.

To be able to pan and select more tasks while the already selected tasks remain selected, do the following:

  • Middle-click and move the canvas until you see the group that you want to include in your selection.
  • Press the space bar and move the canvas.
  • Press the up/down/right/left arrow keys on your keyboard.

To select more tasks, press Ctrl and click the task or drag over the group of tasks that you want to include.

Selecting and Zooming

In big Workflows that span over the visible part of the editor, you may need to zoom in and out to be able to select the tasks you need. When you select tasks and then zoom in or out, the tasks remain selected.


To deselect a single task, press Ctrl and click on the task.

After you have selected tasks in bulk, while your selection is still highlighted, you can deselect tasks as follows:

  • Ctrl + click

    Press Ctrl and click on single tasks within the selection

  • Alt + drag

    Press Alt and drag a new selection within the already selected tasks. The tasks within the new selection are deselected.

See also: