Opening and Arranging Multiple Views
The Automic Web Interface can display many views simultaneously. You can open multiple objects, monitors, views, and lists in a different browser tab each. You can then detach the tabs and arrange the browser windows side by side. This way you can look at different related pieces of information simultaneously.
Important! Browsers can limit the number of connections that have the same domain name. If you select multiple items to open them and you experience issues (the page does not load, no content is displayed), the browser configuration might be the reason.
This page includes the following:
Opening Views in New Browser Tabs
When you double-click an item (object, task, row in an Executions list, and so on), it opens in the same browser tab. The Automic Web Interface lets you open any view (perspective, object, monitor, list, and so on) in a new browser tab. To do so, select one or more items and do one of the following:
- Press Ctrl and double-click simultaneously
- Middle-click
You can use this function with the following UI elements:
Perspective buttons on the menu bar.
Objects, no matter where they are displayed. For example, from the Explorer list (Process Assembly), from various lists in the Administration perspective, from combo boxes that allow you to select objects, and so on.
Tasks in the Process Monitoring perspective. The corresponding monitor is displayed
Toolbar buttons that open views or lists
Some toolbar buttons across the Automic Web Interface open views or lists that refer o the object or task that you have selected. For example, when you select an executable object in the list of objects in the Process Assembly perspective, the Executions button is enabled. If you click it, the list of past executions of the selected object is displayed.
Other examples of such buttons are Last Report or Last Monitor.
Context-menu options that open views or lists, such as Executions, Open Object, Search for Use, Open Monitor, Show in Monitor
Links in success dialogs
When you perform an action on an object or task, a success dialog pops up at the top of your screen. For example, when you execute an object, the pop up contains a link to Open Report or Last Monitor.
Advanced Search and Process Monitoring links in the User Interface
Detaching Tabs and Arranging Windows Side by Side
To detach the tabs from the browser windows and arrange them side by side on your screen, do the following:
- To detach a tab, click the tab title and drag it elsewhere.
- Minimize the new browser window so that you can see the previous one.
- Minimize the previous window.
- Arrange the windows side by side on your screen.
See also:
The following topics illustrate how to use this function:
- Tips and Tricks