Executing LDAP Sync

This page guides you through the LDAP Sync execution options available.

This page includes the following:

Executing LDAP Sync

You can execute LDAP Sync with or without parameters:

  • To start LDAP Sync without parameters

    In this case, the configuration is read from the XML configuration file stored in the current folder (LDAPSync.xml) and a sync for all clients with a configuration file in the configured location (for example: ./clients) is executed.
    See also: Configuring LDAP Sync and Configuring LDAP Sync Client Settings

    Example: java -jar ldap-sync.jar

  • To start LDAP Sync with parameters

    Use a different configuration file than LDAPSync.xml or specify the selected AE clients to synchronize with LDAP.

    Example: java -jar ldap-sync.jar [Configuration] [Clients] [Log]


    • Configuration

      Long Parameter: --config

      Short Parameter: -c

      Description: Path to the configuration file that should be loaded

      Note: If the Configuration parameter is not set, LDAP Sync will load the configuration from LDAPSync.xml.

    • Clients

      Important! Ensure that no users with the same name exist in client 0 when executing LDAPSync for other clients. Otherwise an error will be triggered.

      Long Parameter: --clients

      Short Parameter: -cl

      Description: Comma-separated list of AE client numbers for which LDAP Sync must be executed.

      Example 1: Synchronize AE Client 1000 Only

      java -jar ldap-sync.jar -cl "1000"

      Example 2: Synchronize AE Client 1000, 3000 and 4444

      java -jar ldap-sync.jar -cl "1000,3000,4444"

    • Log

      Long Parameter: --log

      Short Parameter:-l

      Description: Sets the log level.


      Default: INFO

Scheduling LDAP Sync Executions

Use the AE to set an interval (for example, every 5 or 10 minutes) or to define an event to trigger LDAP Sync when a user is changed or added.