This Variable (VARA) object defines the settings that allows the system to measure performance incidents. It is supplied with system Client 0 and its settings apply to the whole Automation Engine system.

Every hour, a Work Process (WP) measures the system's performance. If the performance metrics surpass the thresholds that have been defined in this variable, a warning is displayed in the Automic Web Interface. In this case, make sure you contact your database or system administrator to optimize the performance of the system.

If the performance improves, the warning disappears automatically after the next measurement.

The default values are used ff the variable is left empty (no key/value pair definition).

Important! This function cannot be deactivated as these measurements are crucial for your system's performance. If a warning appears in AWI, make sure you mitigate the issue by optimizing the system, not by changing the thresholds defined here. However, if necessary, you can adapt them.

This variable includes the following keys:


Description: Threshold for DB performance in milliseconds.

Allowed values: 0 to 100000 milliseconds

Default value: 3000 milliseconds

Restart required: No


Description: Threshold for dialog process queue overload, counted in messages.

Allowed values: 0 to 50000 messages

Default value: 1000 messages

Restart required: No


Description: Threshold for output queue overload, counted in messages.

Allowed values: 0 to 50000 messages

Default value: 1000 messages

Restart required: No


Description: Threshold for primary work process queue overload, counted in messages.

Allowed values: 0 to 50000 messages

Default value: 1000 messages

Restart required: No


Description: Threshold for resource calculation queue overload, counted in messages.

Default value: 1000 messages

Restart required: No


Description: Threshold for wok process queue overload, counted in messages.

Allowed values: 0 to 50000 messages

Default value: 5000 messages

Restart required: No

See also: