Workflows (JOBP)
Workflows are one of the key executable objects. Workflows serve as containers for objects that must be executed in a specific sequence and with specific parameters. An object that is inserted in a Workflow is called task. A Workflow can also be embedded in another Workflow. By linking the tasks in a Workflow, you establish the sequence of the executions. Thus, the tasks in a Workflow have a predecessor (the previous task in the sequence) and a successor (the next task). Workflows also have a START and an END node. You design them in the Workflow editor on the Workflows definition page.
A Workflow and its tasks have a parent/child relationship. The Workflow has its own properties, which its tasks inherit. However, the tasks also have their own properties, which can override the definitions in the Workflow.
The sequence of the tasks in the Workflow is part of the Workflow logic. However, you can set other parameters that contribute to build that logic. Some of the properties that you can define in the tasks also play an important role to decide when they are executed.
Automic Automation provides the following templates to create different types of Workflows:
These Workflows represent loops. They repeat one or more tasks several times depending on the defined loop conditions. ForEach Workflows cannot be modified at runtime.
These Workflows represent IF statements. An IF Workflow contains two branches (True, False) to which you can assign tasks. You define a condition in the START node that determines which branch should be processed. IF Workflows cannot be modified at runtime.
The structure of IF Workflows is predefined and cannot be modified; you can only add tasks to one of the branches and arrange them in series. If you need more complex structures, you must embed other Workflows.
IF Workflows do not admit external dependencies
You can add, order, and link tasks in a standard Workflow as you need. Active or stopped STANDARD Workflows can be modified at runtime.
These are remediation Workflows that contain pre-configured attributes. These attributes connect and synchronize them with the alarms and with the processes that they remediate.
Note: ForEach and IF Workflows do not support bulk operations.
For more information, see:
Tip: If you are new to Automic Automation, after this introduction, read Designing Workflows in the Editor where the Workflow editor is described. Afterward, take a look at Creating your First Workflow in the Getting Started with Automic Automation section.
Object class: Executable object
Object type/Short form: JOBP
This page includes the following:
Special Case: Unlinked Tasks
You can insert tasks in Workflows without linking them to any other task or to the START or END nodes. Unlinked tasks start when the Workflow starts. They are generated immediately because they do not have any dependency to a predecessor task.
This special use of tasks in Workflows lets you take advantage of the Calendar conditions and of the external dependency functions. These functions are available for the tasks within Workflows. For more information, see Calendar Tab and External Dependency Tab.
A Workflow can contain an embedded Workflow with an unlinked task. The processing of the embedded Workflow continues and finishes even if its unlinked task is still executing. The superordinate Workflow continues when the embedded Workflow reaches the END node successfully.
- Forecast calculations also consider the unlinked tasks.
External Dependencies
You can assign external dependencies to Workflows. They are tasks that start outside the Workflow, therefore, they do not have a predecessor. They must execute and end with a specific status for another task in the Workflow (the successor) to be able to start.
For more information, see External Dependencies in Workflows and External Dependency Tab.
Designing Workflows
This list depicts a possible roadmap to design and work with Workflows. It provides short descriptions of the actions you can take. It also gives additional information that can help you understand how they work and links to topics that describe them:
Define the Workflow general settings:
- The basics, on the General Page
- If necessary, apply a Sync object to the Workflow. For more information, see Sync Page.
On the Runtime Page, specify the settings to be used for runtime calculations.
This information is relevant for planning tasks and monitoring them. It is also used in forecasts and autoforecasts.
- Administrator user can fine-tune access rights at object level on the Authorizations Page. This page is only visible if you have the necessary rights.
Specify important object Attributes on the Attributes Page. Among other important settings, here you assign the Agent and the Login object that allows the access to it.
- Your definition in the Generate Task at: Activation time / Runtime attribute can have an important impact in the execution times of your jobs. Have a look at Generating at Activation or at Runtime, where the implications of either option are described.
- The generation time of the tasks in the Workflow plays an important role in the overall behavior of the Workflow and on the execution sequence. Read the following topic to learn more about it: General Tab (Task Promtp/Evaluation section)
You may want to use variables or prompts. You do so on the Variables Page and Prompt Sets Page. Read Inheriting Object and PromptSet Variables and Examples: Inheriting Object Variables to understand how variables, VARA objects, and PromptSets assigned to Workflows behave and are inherited by their tasks.
Have a look at Variables and VARA Objects to get acquainted with the various types of variables and VARA objects.
- You may want to define the settings to backup and restore a Job task when included in a Workflow. Doing it is useful to recover the last successful status when processes fail. You define these settings on the Rollback Page.
- The Version Management Page lists all the versions of an object and allows you to restore it to an older version.
- Enter information about the Job you are defining on the Documentation Page.
- Add and arrange the objects in the Workflow using the Designing Workflows in the Editor.
Apply properties to the tasks in the Workflow. Properties affect the order and outcome of the Workflow executions. See Task Properties in Workflows.
Have a look at Workflow Logic. This topic describes the validation checks that take place during the execution of a Workflow. The graphic at the bottom of the topic illustrates how and when the task properties affect the order and outcome of the executions.
After you have defined the Workflow parameters and the properties of its tasks, you can execute it. For more information, see Executing Workflows.
- Check whether the Workflow behaves as expected in the Process Monitoring perspective. For more information, see Monitoring Workflows.
- If necessary, you can modify the design and properties of the Workflow at runtime. See Modifying Workflows at Runtime.
Tip: When designing Workflows, you can open tasks, objects and lists in different browser windows. Arrange them side-by-side on your screen. For more information, see Example: Designing and Monitoring Objects.
See also: