Use the :BEGIN_EXT_INTERPRETERS... and :END_EXT_INTERPRETERS script statements to define the start and the end of the script of the external interpreter in the Process page of Windows and UNIX Job objects. The relevant interpreters have to be registered in the respective UC_EXT_INTERPRETERS_WIN and UC_EXT_INTERPRETERS_UNIX system variables.

Important! Scripts that are used in the Process page of a Job object (JOBS) are overridden by the respective script entries in the parent Workflow object if the Job object is part of a workflow.

Tip: You can use the :REGISTER_VARIABLE script statement to store return values or data in user defined variables.



External Interpreter Script



    Defines the start of the script of the external interpreter

  • Key
    Interpreter key as defined in UC_EXT_INTERPRETERS_WINDOWS or UC_EXT_INTERPRETERS_UNIX. For more information, see UC_EXT_INTERPRETERS_* - Register External Interpreters.

  • External Interpreter Script
    Contains the script that should be used for the external interpreter. The script format depends on the external interpreter that is called. You can use more than one external interpreter with this script statement. If you use several external interpreter scripts, no matter if they are of the same or a different external interpreter type, make sure that they do not cascade or overlap.

    Defines the end of the script of the external interpreter


The following example shows a Perl script that prints all file names, the number of all files, and the number of all text files. In addition, it stores all these values in the variables that is defined with the :REGISTER_VARIABLE script statement.

! Transfer resource file (Perl library) from DB to agent

! Prepare resource file path string
:SET &cachepath# = STR_SUB("&$AGENT_RESOURCES_CLIENT#", "\", "\\")
:SET &funcfile# = STR_CAT(&cachepath#,"func.pl")


# include transferred file
require "&funcfile#";

# Call function "myadd" of library file and print out result
my $val1 = 10;
my $val2 = myadd($val1);
print "calculated via lib function = $val2";


See also: