ScriptEigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine statement: Adds a comment to a task


:ADD_COMMENT [RunID], comment



RunID"Kurzform für ""laufende Nummer"". Hierbei handelt es sich genauer um eine Zahl, welche die Durchführung einer Aufgabe eindeutig kennzeichnet. Die RunID kann zwischen 7 und 10 Stellen aufweisen. Sie wird von der Komponente Automation Engine vergeben."

Run number (RunID) of the task to which a comment should be added
Format: script literal, script variable or number

If no RunID is specified the comment is stored in the task that executes the script statement.


Comment text
Format: script literal or script variable


Comment entries include the name of a User object. The user who is responsible for activating the object called by the script statement is automatically entered in the comment area.

The length of the comment is limited in that a script line must not exceed 1024 characters.


The following example adds a comment to the task which is included in the script variable &TEXT#.


In the second example, the comment is stored in the highest workflow.

ADD_COMMENT &TOP_JP_RunID, "Successfully started FileTransfer."

See also:

Script element Description


Prepares the processing of a file sequence (comments of a task).

Script Elements - Read or Modify Objects

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Ordered by Function