ScriptEigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine Function: Reads information from Login objects.


GET_LOGIN(Login object, Name, Type, Information)



LoginAnmeldedaten für Zielsysteme. Auch ein eigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine. object

The name of a Login object.
Format: script variable, AE name or script literal


The name of the entry in the Login object.
Format: script variable, AE name or script literal


The type of the login entry.
Format: script variable, AE name or script literal


The information that should be read.
Format: AE name

Allowed values:
LOGIN_INFO - Reads the login information (user, domain).
PASSWORD - Password

Return Code

The relevant information.

20476 - The specified object does not exist or is not of login type.
20482 - The specified name could not be found in the Login object.
20493 - Invalid specification of the information that should be read.


This script function supplies the login information or the password of a certain entry in the specified Login object. The parameters Name and Type decide upon the entry.

You can only read the login entries of backend systems! Make sure that the specified Type is also available in the variable UC_LOGIN_TYPES.

The password is returned in encrypted form. You can use the password with the Job Messenger (start parameter CMD) where it will be decrypted.

You can use "*" for the Name (use single or double quotation marks). Note that "*" in this case is an own entry in the Login object and not a filter.


The following example reads the login information and the password of the backend-system entry SVN from the Login object and runs a command run via the JobVerarbeitung auf einem Zielsystem. Auch ein eigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine. Messenger afterwards that specifies the login data.


&UC_JOBMD CMD="&SVN_CMD# checkout ""&SVN_URI#"" ""&SVN_DIR#"" --username &LI# --password &PW#"

See also: