Grouping Criteria in Executables - UC_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES

This AE variable is for defining entries that can be used as grouping criteria for tasks in the Activity Window.

Use the Header tab of executable objects to assign grouping criteria including a value. An object variable belongs to each grouping criterion which you can access in the object in read-only mode. Select the grouping criteria in the Activity Window and filter the activity list according to the grouping criteria values.




Restart necessary

The name of the object variable.

It is irrelevant whether the variable name is specified with or without a preceding '&' character.

Example: &TEST#

Use this variable to read the grouping criterion's value in the object.


You cannot change this variable in the object (for example, by using a script).

The name of the VARA object that supplies the reference values.

You can specify static or dynamic VARA objects. If you use a static reference variable, the system uses the Key column; if you use a dynamic reference variable, the system uses the result column (or the first value column if there is no result column).

You must define a value when you assign a grouping criterion to an executable object (Header tab). Either enter this manually or select it from the reference values. Alternatively, read the value directly from the object variable.

The grouping criterion can be selected in the Grouping combo box in the Activity Window. The left area lists all reference values and user-defined values of the grouping criterion according to which you can filter your tasks.

No reference values are available when there is no reference VARA object. This means that you cannot use the grouping criterion in the Activity Window. The same applies when you use a dynamic variable that cannot be resolved (incorrect login info or invalid SQL).

The system first searches the reference VARA object in the current client even if  you use the system client's UC_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES variable. If the reference VARA object is not available in the current client, the system searches for it in client 0000.

The name of the grouping criterion.

If the variable includes multiple entries with the same grouping criterion, the system always uses the first entry that is finds (the variables are processed from top to bottom). Values of the same grouping criteria are not combined.



By default, this AE variable is supplied in the system client 0000 but you can also transport it to other clients. If the current client already includes this AE variable, the client's variable is used. Otherwise, the system client's AE variable is used.

Assigning Grouping Criteria to an Object

To assign grouping criteria to an executable object, use the Header tab (Custom Metadata section).
Two combo boxes are available here:

Next, click the Add button in order to assign the grouping criterion with the defined value and the object variable to the object.

If the same grouping criterion is assigned to an object multiple times, the defined values are combined. The object variable returns all the grouping criterion's values separated by commas. When you filter the Activity Window, you will find the object (task) under each of these values.

Object variables derived from this variable are always inherited to the subordinate tasks (regardless of the setting that is defined in the Variables and Prompts tab). If there is an object variable in the subordinate task that is derived from the same grouping criterion, its values are not overwritten but summarized instead (the entries are separated by commas).

The object variables are read-only and cannot be changed at runtime (script). The value is set once by using the Header tab.








Business Unit

Reference VARA object:

Assignment via the Header tab of executable objects:

Activity Window - Grouping:


Also see: