RA Agent

Default values have been specified for most parameters. They can be changed if required. Parameters which must be adjusted to your system environment are written in red letters.

Structure of UCXJCITX.INI






Name of the agent

The agent name is limited to 32 of the following characters: "A-Z", "0-9", "_", ".", "$", "@", "-" and "#".

Hyphens ("-") are only allowed in agent names. They must not be used in the names of any other objects.

Although agent names are limited to 32 characters, you should keep them under 25 characters. The last seven characters are used for adding the suffix '.NEW.nn' when a new agent is created from its template.


AE system name
This entry must be identical to the entry in the INI file of the Automation EngineDiese Komponente steuert ein Automation Engine-System. Besteht aus verschiedenen Serverprozessen..


Language for the logging

Allowed values: "E" (default value), "D" (German), "F"


Path and file name of the log file

The number signs serve as placeholders for a series in numerical order. When starting the agent, the log files are renamed so that the most current log file is always the one with the number "00".


Number of stored log files


Maximum size of the log file

A new log file is created when the size specified here has been reached.


Path and name of message file


This optional field is available for OEBS agents used in a multi node system with different operating systems. In this case, this variable should be set to 0 and no check will be performed. Therefore, the RA agent can register files that may not be valid file names on the OS where the RA agent runs.

Allowed values: "0" and "1" (default value)

"0" = Registered files are not checked.
"1" = Registered files are checked.


The name and the path of the file that includes the authentication package (company-key file).

This parameter must be specified if you use the authentication methods "Server" or "Server and Agent"Programm, das die Ausführung von Verarbeitungen auf Zielsystemen wie z.B. Rechner oder Geschäftslösungen ermöglicht. Auch ein eigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine. [Früher ""Executor"" genannt.] Siehe auch ""Host""."". Any attempt to log in fails if the company-key file cannot be found.

When the agent starts, it reads the company-key file and stores its information in the file that is specified in the parameter KeyStore=. The first file is deleted afterward.


The name and the path of the file that includes the information of the authentication package (see parameter InitialPackage=).

If no file name and/or path is specified, the system uses the name (file ending *.kstr) or the path of the agent's INI file. If you define a file name, the ending *.kstr is not automatically appended.

The KeyStore file is created when the agent starts for the first time. You must not delete, rename or move it subsequently. Regardless of the authentication method that you use, any attempt to log in will fail if the agent cannot find this file when it starts. In this case, you must open the menu item "Renew transfer key" in the affected agent's System Overview.

Java agents (SAP, RA, database and JMX) that run under UNIX create a keystore file with the following right: "-rw-r--r—". In doing so, other OS users can also access this file.




Directory to which the agent should store the RA Solutions.




IP address or host name for communication process connection

Use this parameter when the connection should be established via a particular IP address (e.g. the computer has more than one network interface card).


Time interval in seconds in which the agent attempts to establish connection to the Automation Engines. Affects the connection setup for a restart or after a lost connection.

Default value: 60 seconds

This parameter is only effective until the first successful logon to the AE system. Afterwards, the parameter RECONNECT_TIME can be used in the host characteristics.


Address of the communication process in the AE system to which the agent should connect itself.

Allowed formats:
DNS Name:Port number
TCP/IP Address:Port number


This section contains agent variables with agent information and settings.




Path and file name of the trace file

The number signs serve as placeholders for a series in numerical order. When starting a trace, the trace files will be renamed so that the most current trace file is always the one with the number "00".


Number of stored trace files


Maximum size of the trace file

A new trace file is created when the size specified here has been reached.


Trace flag of the agent

Allowed values: "0" (default value) to "9"

Set trace flags only in close cooperation with our support team.


Trace flag of the Rapid Automation agent

Allowed values: "0" (default value) to "12"

"0" = Rapid Automation trace-file writing is deactivated.
"1" - "9" = Rapid Automation trace-file writing is activated at the specified level. "1" is the lowest level, "9" is full trace. When you need to set Rapid Automation agent trace, you almost always set it to "9".
"10" - "12" = Full trace is set, additionally third-party library trace is set if it exists. The Web Service agent has third-party trace. Third-party library trace can only be done in this file. It cannot be set through the UserInterfaceVeralteter Begriff. Ersetzt durch: Automic Web Interface like for other agents.


List of communication processes

This list is created when the agent starts and extended when new communication processes are activated. More detailed information about establishing a connection is provided in the chapter Multi-Server Operation.

The communication process which has been defined in the parameter cp= (section [TCP/IP]) is not included in the cp list.

Port number
=DNS name
Port number
=TCP/IP address

Example of an INI File

system=AE name=RA01 logcount=10 logging=../temp/CIT_LOGG_##.TXT max_logging_kb=50 language=E helplib=uc.msl


[RA] cache_directory=cache

[TCP/IP] connect=20 cp=localhost:2217

[VARIABLES] uc_host_jcl_var=CIT

[TRACE] file=../temp/CIT_TRACE_##.TXT trccount=10 max_trace_kb=1000 tcp/ip=0 ra=12


See also:

Notes for Configuration-File Adjustments