MS SQL Server

This guide includes the individual steps for setting up an MS SQL database for AE usage.

Refer to the reference section of the AE database in order to optimize performance. See: MS SQL Server and the list of supported database versions.

Do not limit resource consumption. Aborting transactions due to limitations specified in the database can impede processing in the AE system. Additionally, inconsistent database contents can result, which can cause subsequent errors or endless loops.

Note that modifying database contents results in an inconsistent database.

Do no activate the option "autoshrink" in the database. This can occasionally cause a Automation EngineDiese Komponente steuert ein Automation Engine-System. Besteht aus verschiedenen Serverprozessen. standstill.

Note that it is important to set the SQL cursor (1st digit=S) or to activate MarsConnection in the INI-file parameter for the ODBC access (SQLDRIVERCONNECT= ) in the particular component (Automation Engine, utility). Otherwise, the SQL Server database can only process one command at the time which results in the following errort:
U0003590 DB error: 'SQLExecDirect', 'ERROR ', 'HY000', 'Connection is busy with results for another command'

You can maintain the AE database by using partitioning with ILMSteht für Information Lifecycle Management, das sich auf eine breite Palette von Strategien zur Verwaltung von Speichersystemen auf Computing-Geräten bezieht. (Information Lifecycle ManagementManagement ist der Funktionsbereich des Service Orchestrator, in dem die Verwaltung von Service Level Agreements (SLAs) durchgeführt wird. In diesem Bereich werden SLA-Definitionen erstellt, bearbeitet und gelöscht. Außerdem dient dieser Bereich auch der Verwaltung Ihrer Geschäftseinheiten.). Automic recommends reading the document about"Maintaining the data records"before you set up the database.

Disk Space Required

Size required for the initial installationnull of an AE database

Test systems:

1 GB

Production systems:

Small systems

5 - 20 GB

Medium systems

20 - 50 GB

Large system

more than 50 GB


1. Requirements


Setting up the database

3. Creating a database user
4. Setting up the Data Source