Installing the UserInterface (Windows)

This document guides you through the new installationnull of the UserInterfaceVeralteter Begriff. Ersetzt durch: Automic Web Interface (Windows).

Always install the UserInterfaces on your local hard disk in order to ensure optimal performance. AE does not recommend installing them on a network, because the UserInterface can crash if the network fails.

UserInterface communication occurs exclusively using the communication processes of the AE system. Therefore, no database interfaces (ODBC, OCI or CLI) are required.

Automic strongly recommends installing the UserInterface in a separate directory (e.g. C:\AUTOMIC\USERINTERFACE).


1. Installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

If the required version of JRE is already installed, this step can be omitted.

2. Installing the UserInterface
3. Modifying the configuration files
4. Using ERP Forms (optional)
5. Starting the UserInterface

Ensure that there is sufficient memory for the Java application UCDJ.JAR . Otherwise, the UserInterface might come to a standstill of the UserInterface. Automic recommends increasing the value of the Java start parameter -Xmx in the file UCDJ.INI (for calls via UCDJ.EXE) or UCDJ.BAT to 1024MB.

To run the UserInterface by using an *.EXE file, you must have installed a 32-bit Microsoft Visual C-Runtime Library.

Potential Problems

During installation:

During program start:

Enter the name of the AE system to which the UserInterface should connect. It is also important to correctly indicate the port and computer name or IP address on which the communication process runs.

Recommended parameterization for Citrix

Separating the UserInterface's log and trace files user specifically

In the file uc4config.xml, you can use environment variables in order to store the log and trace files on different places depending on the OS user.

Examples of the relevant section in the file uc4config.xml (Windows):

The log and trace files are created in the Windows user's directory which stores the temporary application files. The user name is appended to the file name.

<logging count="10">%APPDATA%/temp/UCDJ_LOG_##_%USERNAME%.TXT</logging>
<trace count="10" tcp="3" xml="0">%APPDATA%/temp/UCDJ_TRC_##_%USERNAME%.TXT</trace>

The following example stores the log and trace files in the UserInterface's Temp folder. The name of the Windows user is also appended:

<logging count="10">../temp/UCDJ_LOG_##_%USERNAME%.TXT</logging>
<trace count="10" tcp="3" xml="0">../temp/UCDJ_TRC_##_%USERNAME%.TXT</trace>

Starting the UserInterface user specifically

The configuration files uc4config.xml and login_dat.xml must be available for each OS user who uses the UserInterface. Automic recommends using a descriptive name such as uc4config_TEST.xml and login_dat_TEST.xml.

Option 1:

Calling the UserInterface with the start parameters -I and -J, the user name can be appended dynamically by using environment variables.

For example, the start command for the UserInterface under Windows:
C:\AUTOMIC\UserInterface\bin\UCDJ.EXE -J"-OC:\AUTOMIC\UserInterface\bin\login_dat_%USERNAME%.xml –IC:\AUTOMIC\UserInterface\bin\uc4config_%USERNAME%.xml"

Option 2:

The UserInterface is called in the same way as described above. The user-dependent configuration files are specified in the INI file. For this purpose, you use environment variables for the Java call (cmd=...).

Example that shows the relevant INI-file section:

cmd="javaw" -Xmx512m com.uc4.ucdf.UCDialogFactory -U%User% -I./uc4config_%USERNAME%.xml -O./login_dat_%USERNAME%.xml

When the name and the path to the XML files should be user dependent, you must define a separate environment variable for the path before you use the start command. For example:

INI file:

cmd="javaw" -Xmx256m com.uc4.ucdf.UCDialogFactory -U%User% -I%UI_XML%/UC4CONFIG_%USERNAME%.xml -O%UI_XML%/login_dat_%USERNAME%.xml

UserInterface call:

Set UI_XML=C:\UI_XML_Files
C:\AUTOMIC\UserInterface\bin\UCDJ.EXE  -F0 -IUCDJ_individualized.ini

See also:

Configuring the Debugger for potential program failures