Visual Basic

The CallAPIProgrammierschnittstelle, die entweder direkt oder aus einem anderen Programm aufgerufen werden kann, und ein Script im Automation Engine-System ausführt. can be used to process scripts in the AE system from your own VB programs.

This function is found in the COM object AE.Call3 which must be registered.

Example: regsvr32 c:\AUTOMIC\callapi\windows\bin\ucxbwi3c.dll

The delivery directory contains a sample program that provides a detailed description of how a script activation can be implemented.


  1. Scripts are always activated with the following steps:
    1. Log on to the AE system.
    2. Transfer the script to the AE system.
    3. Log off from the AE system.

You can log on to several AE systems at the same time and process various scripts. In this case, a Dialog license is used for each connection.


In your program, you can use the functions listed below. They supply return code 0 if the action was successful, or a message number if an error occurred.



Logging on to the AE system

Logonclient, user, [department, [password]]

Specifying INI file

SetIniFile path and name of INI file

Logging on using INI-file data


Activating a script

ActivateScript script

Logging off the AE system



Information about script execution is automatically stored in variables.

Data type

VariableSpeichert oder ermittelt Werte dynamisch zur Laufzeit. Auch ein eigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine.




RunID"Kurzform für ""laufende Nummer"". Hierbei handelt es sich genauer um eine Zahl, welche die Durchführung einer Aufgabe eindeutig kennzeichnet. Die RunID kann zwischen 7 und 10 Stellen aufweisen. Sie wird von der Komponente Automation Engine vergeben." of the script



Return code of script execution



Variable message part which explains the return code value

See also:

About the CallAPI