ScriptEigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine statement: Stores a value to a particular column of a static VariableSpeichert oder ermittelt Werte dynamisch zur Laufzeit. Auch ein eigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine. object.


:PUT_VAR_COL Variable, [Key], Column, Value




Name of the Variable object to which a value should be assigned.
Format: AE name or script variable


Line in which the value should be stored.
Format: script literal, script variable or script function


Number of the column in which the value should be entered.
Format: script literal, script variable or number without inverted commas

Allowed values:

  • For Variable object STATIC: "1" to "5" (format: numeric)
  • For Variable object XML: "1" (format: numeric)


Value which should be written to the specified variable line and column.
Format: Script literal or script variable

  • For Variable object XML: XPath expression (format: string)


This script function writes a particular value to the specified line and column of a Variable object. Unlike with the script element :PUT_VAR, this does not affect other fields. If the specified line/column already contains an entry, the corresponding value will be overwritten.

Specifying a dynamic variable in this script element (source: SQL, SQL-internal, multi or data type) results in a runtime error. Only static Variable objects can be filled with values using :PUT_VAR_COL.

When indicating the column number, keep in mind that Variable objects of type "static" only include 5 value columns.

For use with the static Variable object XML, the number of value columns is "1" only.

The use of XPath expressions with the Variable object XML is possible, but depending on the database the Automation EngineDiese Komponente steuert ein Automation Engine-System. Besteht aus verschiedenen Serverprozessen. system is being used with, individual XPath expressions may work differently. In such cases please check with the database's vendor.

The numbers between "1" (value column 1) and "5" (value column 5) can be used for the columns. The value of the Key column cannot be changed with this script element.

The parameter Key is only optional if a static variable is used with the setting "Scope" - "No validity keyword". In this case, the variable only includes the key (*).

A new entry is created if the specified Key does not yet exist.


The following example retrieves the name of the superordinate task (workflow) and the task's own RunID"Kurzform für ""laufende Nummer"". Hierbei handelt es sich genauer um eine Zahl, welche die Durchführung einer Aufgabe eindeutig kennzeichnet. Die RunID kann zwischen 7 und 10 Stellen aufweisen. Sie wird von der Komponente Automation Engine vergeben.". Subsequently, the RunID is written below the workflow name in column 3 of the Variable object "VARA.JOBP".


Using this script statement together with the Variable object XML, would look like this:

:PUT_VAR_COL VARA.XML.TEST2, "KEY3", "test/value1", "tetststs"

See also:

Script Element Description
:PUT_VAR Stores values in a static Variable object.
:DELETE_VAR Deletes one or all values of a static Variable object.
GET_VAR Returns the content entry of a Variable object.


Resolves any kind of variable (prompt values, system variables, script variables, variable objects) in text.
:SET_SCRIPT_VAR Sets the values of script variables through indirect access.
GET_SCRIPT_VAR Returns the values of script variables through indirect access.
PREP_PROCESS_VAR and PREP_PROCESS_VAR_XML Prepares the processing of a data sequence (values of a Variable object).