Client-wide variable that lets you activate an additional parameter to accelerate the execution of certain Workflows based on their task completion rate.
Usually, tasks are included in more than one Workflow. The Workflows that contain those tasks can start at about the same time. This means that those Workflows share the resources of the Agent or Agent Groups on which the common tasks run. The default behavior of the system is for Workflows to execute the first task, then the second, then the third, and so on. The result is that they often have to wait for Agent resources. The system allocates resources based on the following parameters:
- AE Priority assigned to the task, see Automation Engine Priority
- FIFO (a first in - first out) mechanism
With this variable, the system considers an extra parameter after the priority and before the FIFO mechanism. Workflows that contain the higher number of already completed tasks are preferred when allocating resources. With this function, the order of execution is based on the following parameters:
- AE Priority assigned to the task, see Automation Engine Priority
- Task completion rate
- FIFO (a first in - first out) mechanism
Allowed values:
NO: No extra parameter is taken into account
ABSOLUTE: The task completion rate is taken into account
Default value: No
Restart required: No
See also: