Time Settings

You can customize how times should be displayed in your system as follows:

  1. Open the dropdown menu at the top right corner of the menu bar and select Settings.
  2. In the General tab you can specify the following settings:

    • The time format (browser default, 12-hour or 24-hour format)
    • Whether times in lists throughout the system should include seconds or not
    • The time zone that should be considered for displaying the time. This does not affect the Tome Zone object that has been assigned to your system.

      Example: You work in an Automation Engine system that is located in Central Europe. The Time Zone (TZ) object assigned to your Client is CET. You monitor Schedule objects that have been defined and that run in India. These Schedules have the IST Time Zone assigned. You can set the IST Time Zone object in your user settings to have the Indian time displayed in the Automic Web Interface.

See also: