Customized Confirmation Dialogs

Confirmation dialogs help you work safely with your system. They prompt you to confirm that you want to perform an action immediately after you have selected it. For example, when you select multiple objects for deleting them, a dialog is displayed where you must confirm the action.

You can customize your system by defining the actions for which the confirmation dialogs should be displayed. These settings are saved per User and Client, which lets you configure them separately for different environments.

To Specify the Confirmation Dialogs to Display

  1. Open the dropdown menu at the top right corner of the menu bar and select Settings.
  2. On the Settings dialog, expand the Confirmation Dialogs option.

    There are two types of confirmation settings:

    • Valid Until Next Login

      These actions may have a big impact in your system. For this reason, your settings here are only valid for the current session. You have to set them every time you log in to the Client.

    • Valid Always

      The settings you define here are always valid and do not change after a new login.

  3. Activate the checkboxes next to the actions for which you want to show the dialogs.

See also: