z/OS Event Monitor

Structure of the INI File UCXEM25.INI

Parameter Name Description
name =

Name of the Event Monitor

The Event Monitor name is limited to 32 of the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, _, ., $, @, - and #.

The LPAR/SYSTEM name is used to generate, if this parameter is not defined.


system =

AE system name

The name can consist of a maximum of 8 characters. Allowed are the upper-case letters A to Z, numbers and "_".

System names must not contain the character "_" if you use a z/OS agent in combination with the SMF technique. By default, the job Includes convert "_" to "#". Should you intend to use "_" despite of this fact, you can bypass this situation by specifying the system name in the Event Monitor with "#".

Default: AUTOMIC

language =

The Language(s) in which the log messages are displayed.Always a pair of languages separated by comma enclosed in brackets.

if a message text is not available in the primary language the secondary language will be taken.


  • E: english
  • D: german
  • F: french

Default: (E,D)

logging =

Full file name pattern for log file names

$$ is replaced by the purpose of a Process (CP or WP or JWP or DBSERVICE). No replacements in other components

* is replaced by the 3 digit number of a Worker Process.

## is replaced by the log file sequence number after the existing log files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of the component.

z/OS components only:

If you comment this parameter, this log file is stored in JES. Also refer to the parameter logpurgeclass= which is described below.

The following parameters can be added if the log is written to a dataset (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons):

"recfm" = (all 27 z/OS plus * and A record formats are valid)

"lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen)

"blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760)

"space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory))

For relative path indications the system uses the installation directory when creating files.

For BS2000/OSD Operation System the name may be specified with or without User ID. If without User ID the log file is written to the user ID under which the component has been started

Default: 'UC4.WORK.EMLOG##'

logCount =

number of log files being kept on disk

Default: 10

helplib =

name of the message text library

may have different names dependent on platform rules.

Default: 'UC4.UCX.MSL'

helpcache =

Availability of the messages and language dependent strings.


  • ALL: The complete message file is held in the RAM.
  • NONE: Always read from the hard drive.
  • CONTROLS: All language dependant strings that are necessary in order to display the dialog program are held in the RAM (not relevant for the Automation Engine).

Default: ALL

logPurgeClass =

MVS Sysout class for log files.

This parameter can be used to route log files to the specified MVS Sysout class.

The parameter logcount= is important when you route log files. The number of log files that has been defined in this parameter is created. The oldest log file is routed to the Sysout class if this number is exceeded.


The parameter logcount= is set to 3. The first log file is routed to the Sysout class when the fourth log file is created.

The Sysout class is only considered if the parameter logging= has been commented using ";".


  • A..Z:
  • 0..9:

Default: A

EventCheckIntervall =

Periodical event check in seconds.

Do not specify the value too low in order to avoid a high Automation Engine workload.

Default: 3600

file =

The path and the file name of the trace file.

Any file name for a text file with several place holders for current system information:

$$ is replaced by server process type (WP or CP) in the context of a server process.

* is replaced by the three-digit process number in the context of a server process.

## is replaced by 00 after the available trace files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of a trace.

xxx is replaced by the three-digit abbreviation of the respective unix version (unix agent only).

z/OS components only:

The following parameters can be added (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons) if the log is written to a dataset:

"recfm" = (all 27 record formats of z/OS plus * and A are valid)

"lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen)

"blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760)

"space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory))

Currently the External Monitoring Interface (EMI) does not produce any trace regardless of the settings here.

For BS2000/OSD the name might be specified with or without user ID. If without the trace file is written to the user ID under which the component has been started.

Default: 'UC4.WORK.EMTRC##';space=(CYL,(50,50))

trccount =

Number of stored trace files

Default: 10

tcp/ip =


Default: 0

event =


Default: 0

filetransfer =


Default: 0

joboutput =


Default: 0

memory =


Default: 0

status =


Default: 0

trcmode =

Method used for the trace files.


  • 0: The trace file is normally written.
  • 1: All file buffers are written to the disk after each trace line.
  • 2: Close/Open is used for the trace file after each trace line. Do not use this option in combination with FILE Events because it causes an event for each line which can lead to recursive endless loops.
  • 3: Trace outputs are also written to the log file.

Default: 0

[ TCP/IP ]
connect =

The time interval in seconds for the reestablishment of connections after a loss of connection.

For the Automation Engine: reconnect between Server Processes

For Agents: reconnect to the Engine

For the zOS Event Monitor: reconnect to the Agent

For the Proxy: reconnect to Automation Engine or Server Proxy

For Agents: This parameter is only effective until the first successful logon to the AE system. Afterwards, you can use the parameter RECONNECT_TIME in the host characteristics.

For z/OS Event Monitor: The Console command "MODIFY ..., EX=<addr>,:<port> serves to facilitate a new connection immediately. In this case, the attempt to re-connect to the specified agent is made immediately. A reconnection is established, even if the Event Monitor already has a connection to another agent. A new connection is then established. The old connection is ended if the new connection has successfully been established.

Default: 60

ex =

Address of the agent to which the Event Monitor should connect.

Allowed formats:

DNS name:port number

TCP/IP address:port number

Default: UC4EX:2300

ex2 =

Alternative agent address to which the Event Monitor should connect if the primary agent (parameter ex=) is not available.

Default: <addr>:<port>

ex3 =

An additional alternative agent address to which the Event Monitor should connect if the primary agent (parameter ex=) is not available.

Default: <addr>:<port>

sendBufferSize =

The size of the TCP/IP input buffer for the messages that should be sent (in bytes).

The default value that depends on the system environment is used when you do not define this setting or when you define the value 0.

Default: 262144

recvBufferSize =

The size of the TCP/IP input buffer for the message that should be received (in bytes).

The default value that depends on the system environment is used when you do not define this setting or when you define the value 0.

Default: 262144

tcp_KeepAlive =

This sends keep-alive packets in order to keep the agent connections.

This parameter is only checked when the agent runs under Linux.


  • Y: Keep-alive packets are sent.
  • N: Keep-alive packets are not sent.

Default: Y

console =

Console analysis.


  • 0: The console is not used.
  • 1: The console is analyzed.

Default: 1

bufferSize =

Size of the input buffer for Console events in Megabytes

Default: 1

smfwrite =

Evaluation of SMF records.

to be able to monitor the closing of files and especially for using Generation Data Groups, this parameter must be activated


  • 0: SMF records are not used.
  • 1: SMF records are analyzed.

Default: 0

modulName =

Name of the SMF Exit

The selected name must be unique if several Event Monitors are used per LPAR.

Default: UC4EXIT

CADSEyeCatcher =

Eyecatcher name that should be used as a parameter to call the utility CADSDEL.

The default is the LPAR name.


smfStepFilter =

Analyzes SMF records in automated FILE Events.


  • 0: The Event Monitor only analyzes the SMF records of job ends. Normal and abnormal endings are distinguished.
  • 1: The Event Monitor also analyzes the SMF records for STEP endings. The highest return code is assumed. The disadvantage of this specification lies in increased performance usage.

Default: 0

smfJob =

Message about a Job or STEP end.

Make sure that the SMF module logs the SMF record 30 and that your system permits the Exit IEFU84.


  • 0: The job end is exclusively monitored by the Job Messenger.
  • 1: The job end is identified by SMF records.

Default: 0

smf_Buffersize =

Size of the Common Area Data Space (CADS) in which the SMF Exit stores events (in MB).

About 65000 events can be stored with 10 MB.


  • 1..2048:

Default: 10

abendNum =

Number of allowed SMF Exit abnormal ends.

The agent deactivates the SMF Exit if it aborts more often than is defined here. A message is sent to the Console.

Message filter: *CSVDYNEX DELETE(EN=*,ROUTINE=*)*

This message is also sent if the agent has ended because in this case, the SMF Exit has also been deactivated.

Further messages and filters for the SMF Exit:

Ordered SMF Exit abend: *UC4 IEFU83 EXIT ABENDED*

System message if the SMF Exit fails: *CSV430I MODULE * FOR EXIT * HAS BEEN MADE INACTIVE*

Default: 2

SMF14 =

Specify if Event Monitor should collect Type 14 SMF records (data set closed, that was opened for input)


SMF15 =

Specify if Event Monitor should collect Type 15 SMF records (data set closed, that was opened for output activity)
