Creating Dashboards and Adding Widgets

Provided you have the necessary rights, you can create, configure, and insert widgets in dashboards. First, you create the dashboard and then you add the widgets. Dashboard widgets can have some common properties and other widgets can be type-specific.

To Create a Dashboard

  1. Click the Home button from the menu bar.
  2. Open either the My Dashboards or, the Public Dashboards tab from the left pane. Click the Add Dashboard button. The Create New Dashboard dialog is displayed.
  3. Define the following items:

    • Name

    • Title
    • Folder

    • Columns*

    • Rows*

    • Create as Public Dashboard*

      If activated, the dashboard is available to all users. The dashboard is then added to the list of Public Dashboards.

    • Set as Home Dashboard*

      If activated, the dashboard is set to your home dashboard. This applies only to your setup. If this is a public dashboard, other users are able to use it but unable to make it their home dashboard.

    * You can change these specifications at any time later, unless another user changes the Dashboard from public to private.

  4. Click Save.

To Add Widgets to the Dashboard

  1. Click the Add Widget button either on the toolbar or on the widget cell.
  2. The Add Widget dialog is displayed.

    The left pane provides the list of widget categories you have access to. Select a category to display the available widgets on the right pane.

  3. Select the widget that you want to add. A message on the bottom left corner of the dialog suggests the optimum size for the selected widget.
  4. Click Add.

Depending on the type of Widget that you are adding, you may have to configure it from scratch or change the standard configuration.

See also: