Administering the Plugin Manager

The Plugin Manager is an extension to the AWI that can be used to install, upgrade, and remove Packs to enhance the functionality of your system.

Configuring the Access to Packs

As a Administrator, you can retrieve an updated list of available Packs and versions from the CA Automic Index GIT public repository ( to install and update Packs.

To do so, you configure the URL to the public repository in the PM_INDEX_URL key of the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS or UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS VARA objects.

When you trigger the Update Index button in the Packs view of the Administration perspective, the UC_PM_INDEX_CONTENT VARA object is created, which contains the Pack list and metadata in JSON format.

Important! Read rights on the UC_PM_INDEX_CONTENT VARA object are required. For more information, see Granting Automation Engine Authorizations.

Importing GIT Certificates to Update the Index

  1. Make sure that the java library runs on the Tomcat server.
  2. Export the certificates from and
  3. Open the Java security folder (for example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_201\lib\security)
  4. Open CMD in this location and import the certificates with the following commands:

    + keytool -import -file C:\downloadsautomiccom.crt -keystore cacerts -alias "automic"

    + keytool -import -file C:\github.crt -keystore cacerts -alias "github"

  5. Restart Tomcat.

Updating the Index from an SSH URL

  1. Create an account on Github (
  2. Generate an SSH key with PuTTYgen or with the command line: ssh-keygen -t rsa
  3. Copy the public key and add it to the SSH key on
  4. Clone the index with the command line to generate the known_host of the SSH URL:

    git clone

    The index URL is configured in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS or UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS VARA objects.

    • Key: PM_INDEX_URL
    • Value:

    For more information, see: PM_INDEX_URL

  5. Start Tomcat with the same user used to deploy the private key. For example, if the Administrator user was used to deploy the private key in C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh, the Administrator user has to be used to start Tomcat.

Configuring the Connection to a Proxy Server

If the server where your AWI is running has no Internet access, you can configure the PM_PROXY_SERVER and PM_PROXY_PORT keys to enter the connection details to a proxy server.


Configuring the Import/Export Method for Packs

You can also configure the import/export method for Packs in the PACKS_COMPATIBILITY_MODE key of the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS VARA object. See: UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - Various Client Settings.

See also: