Script function: Adds a line to a specific data sequence


PUT_PROCESS_LINE (Data sequence, Row [ , Delimiter ])



Data sequence

Reference to the data sequence to which a line should be added.
Format: script variable


The row that should be added to the data sequence
Format: script variable or script literal

Note: You can also specify a script array.


Arbitrary character that splits up the specified line to columns.
Format: script variable or script literal

If an array has been specified for line, this parameter has no function

Return code

"0" - Data sequence was successfully extended by the specified line.

This script function adds a line to a data sequence. The data sequence is changed directly - the return code only indicates if the procedure ends successful. Specify the reference to the data sequence and the line that should be added.


Tip: Create data sequences with CREATE_PROCESS or PREP_PROCESS* script elements. For more information, see Script Elements for Data Sequences.

The line that should be added can be specified either as a string (script literal or script variable) or as script array (script variable). If you use a string, a delimiter can be specified to split it into columns. If no delimiter is used, the line consists of only one column that contains the whole string.

If you specify a script array it is split automatically into columns according to its elements. Note that the empty array elements at the end are ignored.


Following Example creates a data sequence which contains a file list. Then a file name is retrieved from a VARA object and added to the data sequence.

:SET &HND# = PREP_PROCESS_FILENAME("WIN01","C:\AUTOMIC\temp\test*.txt","Y",,)

See also:


Script Elements for Data Sequences