Working with Custom Views

An Administrator can define Custom Views to display only some properties in a customized order.

About Custom Views

In a custom view, filter criteria define which properties should be shown and which columns should be displayed for the entity (see Common UI Patterns). The custom view picker is available for non-administrative users once a custom view has been defined.

Some sections support multiple views to present the information. The views can either be predefined (for example, Default) or defined by users (custom views).

If a screen supports multiple views, a drop-down list (view selector) is shown in the upper right corner of the screen. The drop-down displays the name of all configured views.

When the user selects a custom view in a screen, the filters that are defined in the custom views are always applied IN ADDITION to the filters that are applied by default on that page or by users directly in the grid.

Viewing Custom Views

  1. Navigate to a page that supports custom views (for example, Environments list).
  2. Select Edit views in the view selector.

    The page displays all custom defined views that are configured for the entity.

    • Name: the name of the view as displayed in the user interface.
    • Type: the custom type on which the custom view is defined.
  3. Click an item to view and edit its properties in the sidebar.

Custom views are specific to a single custom entity type on a single page.

  • If there are multiple versions of the same custom entity type, they appear as a single type in the user interface with all properties merged together by the property name (see: Property Groups and Properties).
  • If the properties display name changed in between type versions, the display name of the latest version is shown.
  • If the property groups changed in between type versions, a property is displayed as belonging to the group of the latest type version.
  • If the property type changed in between type versions, the type of the latest type version is considered.

Creating Custom Views

  1. Navigate to a page that supports custom views (for example, Environments list).

  2. Select Edit views in the view selector (see Common UI Patterns) to navigate to the page that displays all custom views.

  3. Click the Create View button on top of the page. The Create Custom View dialog is displayed.
  4. Enter the view name in the dialog.

  5. Select the custom type. Only the custom types of the current main type (Application, Package, and so on) are displayed in the drop-down list.

    Note: You cannot create a custom view that spans multiple custom types.

  6. Click Create.

Changing the Properties of Custom Views

Select one Custom View from the list to change its properties in the sidebar.

You can change the following properties:

  • General

    Basic attributes of the Custom View. The name can be edited.

  • Description

    The description is limited to 4000 characters.

  • Display Properties

    The panel shows all properties in the same order as they are displayed in the list when selecting a custom type. When creating a custom view, the Name property is added by default.

    Adding New Properties

    1. Click Add.
    2. Select all properties that should be displayed in the popup and click OK. You may also remove displayed properties in that grid by clearing the item. System defined properties are displayed as belonging to the SYSTEM group.

    Changing the Order

    To change the order of the display properties, drag-and-drop the property to its intended position. The changes are saved automatically on drop and are effective immediately.

    Removing Properties

    To remove display properties, click the minus icon next to the property. The changes are effective immediately for all grids that show the custom type. At least one property has to be displayed.

  • Sort Order

    By default, the entities that are displayed in a custom view are sorted by name in ascending order.

    You can specify a new order in the Sort Order sidebar panel of the custom view.

    Adding Properties

    1. Click Add.
    2. Select all properties that should be used for sorting and click OK. You may also remove sort properties by clearing them. System-defined properties are displayed as belonging to the SYSTEM group.

    Changing The Sort Order

    You can change the sort order of the properties via drag-and-drop. Click the triangle on the left of a property to decide if a property should be sorted in ascending or descending order.

    Removing Properties

    Click the minus button next to the property name to remove a property from the sort order. If you remove all properties, the grids are sorted by the elements name in ascending order.

  • Filters

    Adding Filters

    1. Click Add.
    2. Select the property on which you want to apply the filter in the drop-down list.
    3. Select the operator. Depending on the property type, different operators are available. See Property Groups and Properties for a list of all property types and the operators that are available.
    4. Enter the value. Depending on the field type, the text box may allow only numbers, or is displayed as a date picker.
    5. Click OK.

    Changing Filters

    All filters are displayed as hyperlinks in the sidebar. To change a filter, simply click the hyperlink. The same popup as in Adding Filters gets displayed, where you can change the filter as needed.

    Removing Filters

    Click the minus button to remove a filter.

  • Actions

    • Actions

      Actions are located in the toolbar. They can be also triggered from the context menu that is displayed after right-clicking the entity. You can trigger the following actions (depending on your permissions):

      • Delete
  • Statistics & History

Deleting Custom Views

  1. Navigate to a page that supports custom views (for example, Environments list).

  2. Select Edit views in the view selector (see Common UI Patterns) to navigate to the page that displays all custom views.

  3. Right-click the custom view and select delete.

Note: If you delete a custom view that is displayed to another user, the user is redirected to the default view when the screen is refreshed.