What's New in 21.0.9
This section provides information about the new features and enhancements that have been implemented in Automic Automation 21.0.9.
This page includes the following:
Automic Automation
This version includes the following enhancements:
The SMGR_LOOKUP key of the ServiceManager Parameters of the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS variable is set to NO by default, see ServiceManager Parameters.
The PostgreSQL binaries for Windows and UNIX have been updated to v15.5.
PostgreSQL v15.5 is shipped with the Automic Automation offering and are only installed when the ONE Installer is used to set up a system.
The STATISTIC_TIME default key of the UC_ILM_SETTINGS system variable has changed from 15 to 0; otherwise, database maintenance tasks may take a long time and block the system. For details, see UC_ILM_SETTINGS - Settings for Partitioning with ILM
Automic Web Interface
This version includes the following new features and enhancements in AWI:
Improved Behavior of Workflows that Are Embedded in ForEach Workflows
ForEach Workflows execute tasks in loop iterations. As with any other Workflow execution, the tasks within the Workflow get a new RunID with each run of the ForEach Workflow as soon as a new loop starts. This means that the status of the tasks in the embedded Workflows continuously change.
To make sure that you are aware of the status changes in these tasks, the Workflow task containers in ForEach Workflows behave as follows:
When you expand the embedded Workflows, their task containers show the status the current loop for the Workflows and their tasks.
When a new loop starts, Automic Automation collapses the expanded embedded Workflows to signalize that the contained tasks have a new RunID.
To see the new status of the tasks, click the Refresh button. This expands the task again, where the current status is shown.
New FTP Agent Integration
With this Automic Automation version, BROADCOM also releases the new FTP Agent. Going forward, new development will occur only in this new FTP Agent, although the "old" RA FTP Agent remains compatible with the newer Automic Automation versions.
The new FTP Agent installation does not require either loading files to the database (DBLoad) or creating an Agent object in Client 0, which simplifies the installation process significantly. After the new Agent is installed, you can use the existing INI file to keep the Agent's configuration.
For more information, please see the FTP Agent integration documentation at Integration FTP Agent.
Shipment of Standard Libraries in UNIX Systems
The standard libraries (libstdc++.so and libgcc_s.so) are no longer part of each component's (Agent, Service Manager, Utilities, and so on) .tar ball. Now, they are delivered with the Automic Automation offering and can be found under External.Resources/unix_libraries/unix_libraries.tar.gz.
Important! Given that, if the libraries are not installed properly, the relevant component will not start properly, make sure that they are available to the relevant component so that they can use them.
To do so, first, untar the component's (Agent, Service Manager, Utilities, and so on) .tar file. Then, untar the libraries' tar file and copy the files relevant for your Operating System to the component's bin folder. Additionally, use the ln -s ./libstdc++.so.6 command to create symbolic links for the libraries in the bin folder.
Performance Check
Every hour, a Work Process (WP) measures the system's performance. If the performance metrics surpass the thresholds that have been defined in the UC_PERFORMANCE_THRESHOLDS variable, a warning is displayed in the Automic Web Interface. In this case, make sure you contact your database or system administrator to optimize the performance of the system.
If the performance improves, the warning disappears automatically after the next measurement.
Important! This function cannot be deactivated as these measurements are crucial for your system's performance. If a warning appears in AWI, make sure you mitigate the issue by optimizing the system, not by changing the thresholds defined here. However, if necessary, you can adapt them.
For more information, see UC_PERFORMANCE_THRESHOLDS - Performance Check.
See also: