UC_KDC_SETTINGS - Single Sign-On

This Variable (VARA) object defines the parameters to configure the KDC (Key Distribution Center) single sign-on to the Automation Engine system. It is supplied in the system client 0 and is valid throughout the whole AE system.

This variable includes the following keys:

OS User Domain

  • Description: The OS users used for authentication are searched via the Automation Engine users

    If the Automation Engine client contains one or more users of the same name but a different department, each of these departments must be assigned to a domain in the variable. Assign the fully-qualified domain name of the OS user (Key column) to the AE user's department (Value1 column).

  • Value 1: Department of the Automation Engine system user

  • Restart required: No


  • Description: Authentication in single sign-on mode is made through the keytab file; therefore, this value is mandatory.

  • Value 1: Path and file name of the keytab file

  • Restart required: WP or CP

    For more information, see Starting and Ending Server Processes.


  • Description: Service Principal Name (SPN)

    If several AWI installations are available for an Automation Engine system, then you can add other names separated by a semi colon.

  • Value 1: HTTP/<Fully qualified Name of the host where the web interface is installed>

    Example: HTTP/winhost01.domain.sample;HTTP/winhost02.domain.sample

  • Restart required: WP or CP

    For more information, see Starting and Ending Server Processes.

See also: